One Thing

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A/N: Helloooo again. Sorry for the delay in this chapter. I caught something this week and haven't been feeling the greatest. Here's the next chapter! let me know what you think with a comment or a vote! Also, I will be going back to edit this story in the coming weeks. Just to bring the chapters up to the level or writing I personally like.
Enjoy and good luck to your team(but mostly Daniel) in the race this weekend!


Maeve stuck to her word and went to see Christian first thing while I did some stuff with our marketing and content team. Christian said exactly what Maeve thought he would, that the FIA would not allow it if they caught wind. He did offer to fit some time in for machining if she needed it though. She agreed to that if he could ship the parts if needed. That piqued his interest apparently, but she didn't give him any information past that. Simply, she told him that she was looking at her options if she wasn't needed in the factory.

Christian was a wise man, if only to be the man controlling the puppet strings. He would see where she was, but we didn't need him asking any unknown questions until we knew what we were doing.

"He wants to know if I made a decision," She told me as we sat in the press conference. Having been in the top 6 post FP2, they had us in the press conference again. This time, we sat together in the top row with Kimi occupying the last seat," He said it will change where he asks me to be for summer break." Her words were whispered and she was covering her mouth so no one could see it. We also didn't need any rumors with the press. There were plenty of those already.

"Well have you put any thought into it? You've been doing very well..." She shook her head at my inquiry.

"I haven't had time after what happened this week. Do you think I could hold them off until summer break?" I shook my head truthfully.

"No, he's going to want an answer so he can swipe you from anyone else."

I made sure to keep my voice down and cover my mouth as well. My tone of voice alone would be considered questionable at best. With my options considered, I had to announce soon that I'd be leaving the team. Christian was probably growing nervous, eager to make sure that Max was partnered with someone that could stay at his level. His options in his head were Maeve or me and I knew that very well. The Toro Rosso boys were good, but they weren't ready. Daniil wasn't going to get that seat back regardless.

"We're ready to start." The host said, making us both pick up our microphones as if we weren't having a serious conversation.

"We'll talk later." She said as we both went into the press conference for the first time since Canada.

I could tell she was a bit on edge, especially with me immediately next to her. Charlotte had already warned me that I needed to cool it or else I would be in a lot of trouble. She didn't want another outburst and after hearing about Maeve's trouble's at school, I wouldn't dare say anything again though. Guilt crept up in my chest at just the thought of what she went through. Despite her best efforts to assure me that it wasn't my fault, I'd always feel somewhat responsible for her feeling unsafe at her school. That was a place she loved, learning is something she loved. Having any part in losing that safe space would always make me feel terrible. My way of apologizing was giving her a new safe space to learn in. Opening my new home up to my best friend was the least I could do to make up for it.

Maeve saw it as me offering a helping hand. Which it absolutely was, but she couldn't know that it partially came from a place of guilt. To her, it would be distrustful for me to lie about my intentions even if it was a minuscule part of the reason I had offered my home to her. I was simply protecting her though. Something that I had failed to do in Canada and Monaco. That wouldn't happen again.

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