Birthday Boy

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The next day was qualifying and I certainly didn't have the greatest day. Maeve out qualified me by two tenths and left me in 7th. Not the way I was hoping my birthday race would go. I didn't want to dampen Maeve's spirits though as she was really starting to get her place in the grid together. Media was being nicer to her, she was getting podium after podium, and the car was doing fine. It was the perfect combination for the best weekend she could ask for. After her start to the week, I was happier to see her getting what she deserved finally, my birthday taking a backseat in my mind. It would be selfish for me to ignore her happiness.

Yet, I woke up on race day feeling like the luckiest man in the world. We always woke up at 6 am, it gave us time to get ready, eat, workout, and go over our day before having to head to the track. Today was different though. My alarm wasn't screeching in sync with Maeve's on the other side of the bed, one of the few things we kept separate out of habit if anything. In fact, there wasn't any noise as I stirred from dreamland. Only the feeling of a hand against my cheek as I lazily opened my eyes to see what was happening.

Maeve was happening, or rather she was sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. She was dressed in one of my shirts, hair up in a messy bun as she smiled down at me.

"I must still be asleep, they left an angel in my bed." She giggled, the sound reminding me of a breeze flowing through wind chimes as she moved her hand to brush some unruly curls from my forehead.

"Happy birthday baby..."

Her words were soft and quiet, aware that the world may still be asleep around us. Aware that I was still in the void between fully awake and asleep as her hand returned to my cheek.

"Today is my birthday? I didn't even know that was coming up." I jested as she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yes, it's today. I got you some things and I'd really like you to open them before we go to the track." I nodded once, my eyes blinking very slowly as a smile stretched across my face.

"You didn't have to get me anything." I reminded her quietly as I sat up, stretching my arms over my head before sitting up against the headboard.

She stood then, pulling a cart I hadn't noticed before closer to the bed before situating herself directly in my lap with her legs still dangling over the side of the bed. My left arm wrapped around her waist settling against her left thigh while my right hand landed on her right knee as she sat forward and pulled the top off the silver dome.

"Your favorite for breakfast, all within your diet plan so Michael can't say a damn thing." I chuckled as she grabbed a fork and grabbed a piece of cut Mango.

"You really didn't have to do all this..." I stared at her face as she turned towards me with the fruit on the fork, holding it in front of my face.

"I did because this year is different." She moved the fork for just a second, leaning down and placing her lips against mine. It was a slow, building kiss that she pushed so much passion and emotion into. I could feel every word she was saying without her having to say them.

She pulled back and held the fork up again, making me take the food from it as I stared up at her.

"It's different because I have you. I love you Daniel and while this hasn't been us for very long, this is the best us I could ever ask for. You're the best person I could ever ask to share my life with. So happy birthday, darling. There will be many more, but this one I wanted to be special..." I smiled as I stared up at her, sitting forward for one more kiss that she was happy to give.

"Thank you. I love you so much Maeve. You've made me the happiest man in the world by giving me everything I've ever dreamed of and more..." She just smiled at me before leaning forward to grab another piece of fruit, this time a strawberry.

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