Chapter 8: The Ravine

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None of their mutual friends were out that night, and normally she'd send a text asking if they were coming later. But it was just as well tonight. She did have to work the next day and didn't intend to stay out longer than necessary. She kept her drinks light as she did the circuit of the usual set of bars, and an hour in and feeling a light buzz she was ready to give up at the next 30 minute mark. She didn't have to wait until then, however, as the woman walked in laughing with some friends. Anne waited until they were settled and then tentatively set herself up beside her.

"Kayla, hey," Anne greeted.

"Oh, hi, babe! How you doing?" Kayla returned with a hug Anne should have expected but jolted a bit anyway.

"Uh, well, I actually wanted to talk to you."

"Me? Okay."

Anne gestured for a bit of privacy and Kayla followed, not seeming suspicious in the least.

"Uh, I'm not here for trouble, I'm not putting the blame on you. I'm just trying to piece things together."


"Will told me about you and him."

"Oh yeah...He was okay."

Anne blinked.

"Sorry you guys are having problems. Sometimes men just need a distraction, you know?"

"So was this a one-off or a regular thing?"

"Yeah, it was nothing weird."

"No, I mean like, how many times did it happen?"

"Oh, I could tell he's been into me for a long time. Guys just like me, you know."

Don't get frustrated, don't get frustrated. "Well, you're very pretty."

"Thank you! You are too, but you just need to dye your hair, maybe a little makeup. You could try straightening your hair."

"Uh, yeah, thanks for the suggestion, I...just want to know how many times you and my husband slept together."

"Friday, he came to my house, he said you know I've wanted you for a long time, I said I know, and it was okay."

"So was that the only time?"

"He said there would be lots of times because I could satisfy him."

"But was that the only time it happened?"

"It could have been happening for years, he always says hi to me."

"Okay, Kayla, not the talking, I mean just the sex, was it once or more than once?"

"He said he's going to come by again this week."

Anne resisted the very strong urge to clap her hands, "Okay, but for what's already happened, was it only Friday?"

"Honey, he's wanted me looonngg before that."

"Okay. Kayla, um, I don't think you should see him again. For your own safety–"

"Are you threatening me?"


"It's not's my fault if you can't keep him happy."

"Kayla, he's not who you think he is."

"Maybe he just wants to marry me now and you should let him go."

"Just be careful around him. That's all I'm saying." Anne headed towards the door.

"Maybe he doesn't want you anymore because you're a bitch!" Kayla called after her.

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