chapter twenty one

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 2.09 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

'have you ever been psychologically evaluated? i think you'd benefit from it. the state of delusion which you live in is incredible'


"Who?" Derek asked, turning the car around and speeding back to the rave.

"Fucking Matt. He's gonna be gutted. He's gonna have been waiting for like two hours. I'm his lift home." Lottie grumbled.

The two sat in comfortable silence until they arrived at the rave... and Matt stood outside, kicking dirt with his shoes. Lottie thanked Derek who was watching the boy as she got out of the car and jogged over to him.

"Matt! There you are! I've been looking all over for you? I came back from getting drinks and you were gone! You should be a magician, that little disappearing act you have going on there." Lottie teased, hoping he wasn't too annoyed at her. She wrapped Derek's jacket around her tighter, trying to hide the blood on her top.

"Me? You're the one who vanishes. Like a ghost." He joked back, shaking off his anger at the lack of attention she'd given him, after all, he still had the drive home.

"You disappeared Matt." Lottie compelled him, not even realising she was doing it.

"I disappeared." Matt repeated, dazed.

"Shall we go? It's getting late huh?" Lottie smiled, pointing to her car.

"Sure, the night is young though, don't you think?" Matt smiled, taking Lottie's hand again. Lottie internally groaned, she just said it was getting late, how had he taken that as the night being young?

The two got in the car and as Lottie turned to put her seatbelt on, Matt lunged at her, grabbing her face in his hands and placing his lips on hers. Lottie froze before pulling away swiftly.

"Uh I-" Matt started.

"Shall we put on the radio?" Lottie asked, rhetorically, turning on the radio and cringing as Dua Lipa's 'One Kiss' began to play loudly in the car.

Matt turned back in his seat as Lottie began to drive, she was fiddling with her phone in her lap, connecting the bluetooth up so she could play anything that didn't mention kissing. The drive was silent, aside from Lottie's loud music blaring as she pulled up outside Matt's house. Matt looked at Lottie before reaching for the car door before turning back to face her. Lottie leaned back slightly.

"About that really, incredibly bad idea I had..." Matt started.

"You mean the kiss?" Lottie asked.

"That's the one." Matt grinned awkwardly.

"Don't stress about it. It happens right?" Lottie smiled back, just wanting the weirdo out of her car.

"For real?"

"Real talk. I'm not going to stress about it." Lottie sighed, smiling tighter.

"So what's the deal then? Are you seeing someone or something? Stiles?"

"Nope. Not really." Lottie answered noncommittal.

"I don't like not reallys. I hate not really's. You never know what to do with a "not really."

"Would you feel better if I was brutally honest? Tell me the truth so I don't have to pretend to feel guilty after telling you it straight." Lottie was growing tired of the conversation now.

"I think so?"

"Matt, you seem like a nice ish guy. But I don't like you like that." Lottie told the boy bluntly as he sat there, mouth gaping like a fish out of water. "What? You said honesty?"

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