
Ryan, Seth and I walked onto the campus. "The master race, it's been perfected, and they all go to our school." Seth said as a group of boys walked towards us.

"Hey, fellas." Seth greeted, but one of the guys knocked into his shoulder as they passed.

"Hey, what the-" I started to say, but Seth quickly placed his hand over my mouth. I gave him a look and he dropped his hand.

"Look, as much as I appreciate you, I don't think my girlfriend beating up anyone who messes with me is going to improve my social que." Seth remarked.

"This is a nightmare." Ryan muttered under his breath.

I looked up as I saw Summer and Marissa walking towards us.

"Hey, Marissa, Summer." I greeted as they reached us.

"Hey, Ally. You look good." Summer said and I smiled at her. "Oh thanks."

"So, how are you?" Ryan asked Marissa, who smiled. "Better."

"Well, I'm headed to English, Coop, I'll see you later." Summer said, and I turned to her.

"Oh, I have English too, I'll walk with you." I told her. I smiled at Seth before walking off with Summer.

"So, you and Cohen, huh?" Summer asked me as we walked.

"Yeah, we're dating." I told her.

"What about you and Ben? Is everything still good with you two?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Yeah, he's supposed to be here today, but I haven't seen him." Summer told me as we walked into English class.

I saw Ben sitting at an empty table. Summer grinned as she saw him too. "I'm gonna go-"

"Yeah, go ahead." I told her with a smile, although I had no idea where to sit.

I looked throughout the room, hoping there would just be an empty table I could sit at.

"You can sit here." I heard and looked over. It was Anna, Ben's sister. I wondered why they weren't sitting by each other, but figured that some brothers and sisters didn't want people to know that they were siblings.

I smiled and went to sit by her. "Thanks." I told her as I pulled out my notebook.

"Of course." Anna replied. The teacher walked into the class then and began to call roll.

"Ally Atwood."

"Present." I said, trying to ignore the way every kid turned to look at me.

"Is that the girl from Chino? I heard her and her brother stole a car." I heard someone say to their friend.

I stiffened and sat back, trying to ignore the way Anna was now looking at me curiously.

"Welcome back students, my name is Mrs. Johnson and I hope you all had an amazing summer. I also hope you've been completing your summer reading like we talked about last year."

Summer reading? At our old school in Chino, they didn't give you any assignments for the summer. I sighed as I felt even more unprepared for this school.

The rest of the class passed slowly, and I was never so glad to leave when it ended. I walked too fast for Anna to catch up, mainly because I didn't want to answer her questions about the grand theft auto situation.

I headed to lunch and found Seth sitting at a table by himself. "Hey." I greeted, sitting down beside him.

"Hey, how is it going?" Seth asked me.

Safe With You || Seth Cohen जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें