A glimpse into the past

Start from the beginning

She composed herself, hid her bag in the trees and ventured into the town. It was beautiful, she had always loved the town, the lights, the music, humans and their petty behavior, all was fascinating to her.

She made her way through the town, to a club house just few blocks away from the forest, it was a college party and she had managed to get an invite during her last escapade into the town by a bunch of college boys that found her irresistible and sexy.

It was all thanks to her werewolf genes, that charm and the effect she got from the clueless humans, it was all because of who she is.

The loud music could be heard few feet away from the road Tamara was currently on, excitement filled her body as she made her way into the club house.

A sea of young people filled the entire building, the loud music vibrated also throughout the fore walls, sending a bit of a frenzy into her body, the flickers of different colors of lights set the turn as the young men and women danced their hearts out while being intoxicated.

She wondered what it was like to be drunk in fact she craved for a hang over, she wanted to feel it but sadly the human alcohol was not going to give her that and she was not permitted to drink werewolf alcohol, her father would not allow it, he felt that werewolf were already on high hormones, no need to fuel it.

Werewolf alcohol was very rare and not just anyone could come in possession of it.

She made her way to the bar, she would not be able to get drunk, she would be able to feel the bitter taste of the alcohol and simply imagine it.

She was already on her fifteenth glass of vodka, and she was asking for more, the bartender was staring at her in confusion, trying to understand how the woman in front of him was not staggering and her words were not coming out in slurs.

She chuckles "I am paying you for the drinks, I don't think you should be worried about how I drink and the amount I take"

"But you should slow down miss" the young bartender smiled weakly at her, a worried look painted on his face.

Tamara was close to snapping at the man before her but she held herself back, she put on her most flirtatious smile, and stroked his hands resting on the table, she fixed her gaze at him, her eyes piercing into his just enough to entice him and not frighten him away before she says " That is why I have been sitting here, I know you will protect me if anything happens— I trust you"

"You–you do?" The bartender asks, definitely stunned at how a breathtaking woman was interested in him.

"Yes" she purred, she was about to say something else when a laugh came just a few seat from her, ending the trance she had created on the bartender.

She snarls lowly, and turned to face the person that had interrupted her, her eyes widen as she take in the face of the person before her, he was simply breathtaking, flawless and she could always taste his masculinity in her tongue.

Her breath hitched.

"This alcohol has no effect on you" his strong and flirty voice reached her ears and she felt sparks flew through her body, it was not a mate bond but it was something and she knew that she was attracted to this man before her. She was confused on who he was, he did not smell like a human neither a werewolf or those vampire creatures.

"Do you have anything that will, since you seem to know me so well ?" she played along

He chuckles "I don't know you by name, but I know what you are and I can give you what can get you to that edge"

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