Using the pet door!

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Seek: Guys, I got a door with a pet door included for the courtyard!

Figure: Really? We don't have pets!

Seek: We have Screech.

Screech: I'm not a pet! I'm an entity along with everyone!

Hide: You're not an entity, you're a pet.

Screech: No, I'm a goofy kid. 


Neko Seek: *appears randomly*

Screech: SEEK?!?!!!

Seek: What- *looks at Neko Seek*

Seek: WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING *pulls out the 9 and shoots it*

Seek: Alright, Screech, now use the pet door. *attaches the door on*

Figure: How about we all try to use it?

Everyone: OKAY!!!


Guiding Light: Everybody, I ordered pizza!

*Everyone outside in the courtyard runs to the pet door*

Seek: Goes right in (Because he's skinny)

Figure: HELPPPP!! I'm stuck...

Screech: I'm too fat to go through.

Hide: *scared*

Jack: *shoves Screech by the butt*

Screech: WATCH IT, JACK!

Halt: *goes right through*

Glitch: *Teleports inside*

Guiding Light: *Watches everybody suffer*

Everyone else: *outside in the rain* 

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