[REQUESTED] Virtual Dates - Flirty!Bell x Reader

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omga no school tmr🙀🙀




As I sat on my couch, watching the latest episode of Battle for BFB, I couldn't help but admire Bell's charm and charisma. Her cheerful demeanor and the way she rang her bell just drew me in. Little did I know, my life was about to take a surprising twist.

One evening, as I settled in to watch the latest episode, something unexpected happened. The episode started as usual, with Four introducing the contestants. But this time, as the camera panned to Bell, she seemed to wink directly at me, or at least it felt that way.

My heart raced, and I couldn't believe my eyes. I must have imagined it, right? But then it happened again, Bell's bell-like voice addressing me, or so it seemed.

"Hey there, [Y/N]," she chimed, her flirtatious tone unmistakable. "You watching me again? You can't resist, can you?"

I was taken aback, not sure how to react. Bell, a character from my favorite show, was flirting with me? It had to be some kind of dream.

The episodes that followed were filled with Bell's playful comments and winks directed right at me, or so it seemed. It felt like she was acknowledging my presence in the audience.

One day, as I checked my phone, I received a message from an unknown number. It read, "Hey there, [Y/N]. I couldn't help but notice you're a fan of my bell-tastic self 😉. Want to chat?"

I couldn't believe it. Was this really happening? I replied cautiously, "Is this really Bell from BFB?"The response came quickly, "Ding-ding! You got it! And I'd love to get to know you better, [Y/N]."

From that moment on, we started texting regularly. Bell's playful personality shone through every message, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to her. It was like I had a connection with a character from my favorite show in a way I had never imagined.

As our conversations continued, Bell suggested that we have virtual "dates" while watching BFB together. It was an offer I couldn't refuse. We synchronized our screens and texted back and forth, sharing our thoughts on the contestants and the challenges.

During one of these virtual dates, Bell's flirty side came out in full force. "You know, [Y/N], if I were in the game, I'd choose you as my teammate anytime," she teased.

I blushed furiously, even though I knew this was all just a playful act. Bell, my most favorite character from the cast, is flirting with me! Oh geez, I'm blushing way too hard right now! But it was hard not to get swept up in the fantasy. I replied, "I'd be honored to be on your team, Bell."

Our virtual dates continued, and it felt like I was getting to know Bell on a personal level, even though she was just a character. But as the days went by, I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to this connection than meets the eye. I wonder...if she likes me back. What am I even thinking? She's obviously being playful!

I set my phone down and flopped onto my bed.

One evening, as I watched another episode of BFB, Bell's flirtatious antics on the screen felt different. It was as if she was trying to tell me something more, something beyond the scripted lines.

After the episode ended, my phone buzzed with a message from Bell. "I have a confession to make, [Y/N]."

My heart raced as I replied, "What is it, Bell?"

She responded, "I might be just a character on a show, but my feelings for you are real. I wish we could meet in person someday."

I was stunned. Could it be possible that the connection I felt with Bell was mutual, even if she was just a character? I knew it was a long shot, but I couldn't help but hope that somehow, our worlds could collide.

And so began a journey of uncovering the mysteries of this unexpected connection between a fan and a fictional character, one text message at a time.

I really hope I could meet you too, Bell.


dang i ate like 52 grams of sugar today🥱🥱🥱 (yall i dont do this all the time, dw😭😭)

ok im going to lay down in boredom, bye😃


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