[REQUESTED] Arachnophobia! - Leafy x Teardrop

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Leafy and Teardrop were exploring their backyard garden, marveling at the vibrant colors and the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves. As they strolled along, a tiny spider caught Leafy's eye, its delicate legs climbing onto their house walls. "Hey, look at that cute little spider," Leafy exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with fascination. Teardrop nodded, but her usually neutral expression betrayed a hint of unease. She had always been silent about her fear of spiders, preferring to keep it hidden from others.

With her usual warmth, Leafy approached the spider cautiously, extending a leaf towards it. "Come on Mr. Longlegs, let's put you somewhere safe!" She said, trying her best not to startle the itty-bitty creature. The spider paused, seemingly considering her offer before scurrying onto the leaf. Leafy giggled with delight, feeling a connection with the small arachnid. "See, Teardrop? It's not so scary. Look how cute it is!" She said, nudging Teardrop.

Teardrop managed a small smile, though her eyes flickered nervously between Leafy and the spider. She didn't want to spoil Leafy's excitement but couldn't help feeling uneasy around the creature. Afterall, she did have a tiny fear of spiders, but never told anyone about it because she feared someone would make fun of her. Even her girlfriend, Leafy, though she knows she wouldn't judge, she still feels uneasy.

As Leafy continued chatting animatedly with the spider, Teardrop hung back, trying to mask her discomfort. She admired Leafy's kindness and wished she could share in her enthusiasm without her fears getting in the way. Suddenly, the spider scuttled closer to Teardrop, and she froze, her eyes widening in panic. Leafy, noticing Teardrop's distress, turned around and noticed the spider's proximity to her girlfriend.

"Teardrop, are you okay?" Leafy asked, sensing something was wrong. Teardrop nodded nervously, trying to stay calm for Leafy's sake. But her fear got the better of her, and she took a step back, accidentally stumbling over a small rock. Leafy rushed to Teardrop's side, concern etched on her face. "It's okay, Teardrop. I'll take care of it." She gently scooped up the spider and released it back into the garden. She patted Teardrop's shoulder, reassuring she doesn't have to hide her fear around her, because she'll never make fun of Teardrop.

Once the spider was out of sight, Teardrop let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, feeling relieved but also embarrassed by her reaction. Leafy wrapped an arm around Teardrop, offering comfort. "You know, it's okay to be scared sometimes. I'm just glad you're okay."Teardrop nodded gratefully, appreciating Leafy's understanding. Though she still felt uneasy around spiders, she felt grateful for Leafy's support and knew that with her by her side, she could face any fear, big or small. 

"Well, it's getting a bit late, don't you think," Leafy remarked. "How about I make you your favorite desert, cheesecake!" Teardrop had a bright smile on her face, giving Leafy a thumbs up. "Cheesecake it is, then!" Leafy giggled. The two headed inside, the atmosphere filled with comfort and warmth.


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