Chapter thirty one

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"Addison are you okay," Mum asked as I pushed around my cereal making it go all sloppy in the milk.

"Yeah I'm just not hungry," I whispered.

"Is this about you and your stupid girlfriend thing," dad huffed.

"She's not stupid and is not my girlfriend," I mumbled, my voice breaking on the last word.

He snickered at my response, obviously happy that I'm no longer seeing her.

"Well that's good, at least now you can find the perfect man...or any man," he retorted, looking back down at his paper and taking a slip of his coffee.

"Jack we talked about this," my mum hissed to dad.

"Sorry I know, try and ignore how you let them indulge in homosexuality while you do nothing to help them get over it," dad remarked.

"Dad shut up about your stupid narrow-minded views and let us eat our breakfast in peace," Marcus retorted coming over to the table with his food.

I looked at Marcus trying to muster up a small smile as a thanks for him sticking up for us. He smiled in return.

The rest of the breakfast went by in peace except the snarky looks my dad kept giving Marcus and I.


Walking to school is weird without Blair, today April and I decided to walk together. There isn't much conversation as we both look like a mess after having our hearts broken. I need to forget that Blair even exists. Every time I say her name in my head it's like another part of me has broken. I've realised I feel lost without her.

Trying to ignore that thought I headed to the first lesson.

Going into history I sit down in my seat which is annoyingly next to Gareth.

"Hey Addison I just wanted to tell you that what happened between Blair and I was because we were drunk and our friends were pressuring us. I love April and want to make it right between us but I also feel a need to explain and help you and Blair."

As soon as her name left his lips I felt as if my heart had been cut in two. Every time her face flashes in my mind it is like a knife going deeper in my chest.

"Don't talk to me," I said sternly, focusing on the lesson that has just begun.

Luckily he listened although it was hard to focus from people giving me pitying looks.


I came out of history feeling anxious for my next lesson. Of course I had to have chemistry today. Going into class I went straight to the teacher asking if I could be moved to the front. She gave me a sad smile like she knew what had happened and sat me next to someone at the front.

All of lesson I tried not to turn around and steal one glance at Blair. I really miss her. But I can't. I can't forgive what she's done.


At lunch Blair is back sitting with her 'friends' now that she is 'straight' again according to school gossip. Blair kept on looking over to me and it's hard trying to avoid making eye contact and looking at her. I need to get over her.

"Hey Addison everything will get better," Tess said reassuringly and placed her hand on mine. The contact was surprisingly comforting and I realised how much I need my friends right now.

"April, how are you?" Tess asked April who is gazing off looking in a corner. April drew her attention back to us and gave a little shrug.

"Maybe you should both have a rebound relationship, not with each other. Unless you want to?" Tess suggested wiggling her eyebrows playfully at the last part.

I looked over at April thinking that it's a stupid idea.

"No that's crazy I just need to get over Blair not go around kissing someone else," I stated then stormed off to my next lesson.


I got back home and slumped myself on the sofa and turned on the TV not really paying any attention to the blurring colours on the screen.

The front door opened but I thought nothing of it. It's probably my parents or Marcus.

As I'd expected Marcus came into the room with a smile on his face.

"Hey," he said as he walked in the room giving me a small smile.

"Hi," I replied, barely taking any notice.

I don't know how I should act or feel right now. I just feel numb.

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