Chapter eighteen

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Over the past few days the messages have gotten worse although I'm trying not to think about it because today is Halloween. I checked my phone to see the time but another message came up.

What would you do if I sent a photo of you and your Girlfriend to the whole school?

I obviously didn't reply because I didn't want them to know how much they worry me. If the whole school found out it would be terrible. There was a girl who used to be in my class who got called names and was pushed around by people just because she had a girlfriend. It all got too much so she had transferred schools. As today is such a special day to me I took extra care trying to keep it out of my mind and stay busy although after Blair got hurt I'm worried it'll happen again.


I went downstairs to get the sweets ready for the people trick or treating. From the crowded cupboard that holds all our decorations for different holidays and some junk, I managed to pull out a slightly dusty pumpkin shaped bowl. Going into the kitchen I got the packets of sweets that mum bought on her way home from work. Then I go back to the cupboard to grab some decorations. I hung ghosts up on the ceiling, hung up some lights that had spiders over the bulbs. Also putting up some fake spider webs across the door frame and to finish it off I added some tape across the door with 'Knock at your own risk.'

Now that the decorations are up I need to rush to the store to buy pumpkins. How could I forget Pumpkins?!


I texted Marcus to come to Tesco with me so he could help pick out the Pumpkins. He agreed and said that he will be there soon. The only thing I don't really like about going to supermarkets is that I'm sixteen and won't be able to drive until I'm seventeen. Although the walk into town was nice, I'm not excited to have to carry a Pumpkin home.

At the entrance of Tesco I could see my brother already waiting there.

"How did you get here before me?" I asked incredulously.

"Hello to you too," he replied sarcastically then carried on "I was at Kyle's house."

"Oh sorry," I said feeling a little bit guilty for interrupting his time with his boyfriend.

Marcus shrugged saying "It's fine, he has to go anyway to train for football."

"Well we better get to finding those Pumpkins," I replied turning to the box that holds all the Pumpkins in.


We chose the biggest Pumpkins that we could find and took them into the store. I'm being made to push the trolley because Marcus is too lazy. I looked around the shop picking up some essentials that we need.

Marcus and I went to the checkout to buy the stuff we needed. We were walking out the shop when I heard a familiar voice. I tried to follow where it was coming from to see Blair and Jessie looking at us. Jessie practically dragged Blair along by her non-broken arm to come over to us.

"Hi," Jessie said ecstatically.

"Hi, why are you so excited?" I asked, laughing.

"Because Halloween is the best day of the year and I may be a little excited for my little sis to see her girlfriend," Jessie mumbled the last part so we could just about hear it.

"Hello," Blair said a little awkwardly. I couldn't help but laugh at how I keep getting into situations like this.

"That's how you greet your girlfriend? Not even a kiss?" Jessie said melodramatically.

Blair rolled her eyes then looked at me as if she was asking if she could. I did really want to kiss her but this moment is so weird. Her older sister here and my little brother. Instead I went up and hugged her thankful that I made Marcus carry all the bags (as punishment for being lazy before) pulling away I looked into her eyes decoding all the little details that lead to more. I gave her a quick kiss, not caring who was around me. We pulled away to see a grandma staring at us.

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