Chapter twenty eight

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Around two weeks have gone by making it the weekend. Blair and I made plans to hang out today. My parents aren't going to be here because my dad decided to work and my mum had a client that needed to see her.


I got changed into a Twenty One Pilots t-shirt and some grey jeans that have rips in the knees. The doorbell rang so I rushed downstairs.

"Hi Blair," I said, trying to sound casual and not like I just ran to the door.

"Hi," Blair replied. I motioned for her to come into the house and she followed.


We walked into my bedroom and closed the door.

"Random question, can I look in your wardrobe?" Blair asked.

"Umm okay?" I replied not knowing what else to say and shrugging slightly.

Blair opened the doors and went through a few tops and my limited amount of skirts.

"As I expected," she said, turning around to me.

"What?" I was confused.

"Basically all your clothes are black," she replied with a chuckle.

"Not all of them," I protested.

"What about my burgundy dress and these trousers?"

"I guess that's the exception. I bet you'd look really hot in that burgundy dress by the way," Blair commented, closing the wardrobe doors moving closer to me.

"Really?" I whispered.

Blair pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear before leaning down to kiss my lips.

"Really," she replied confidently when she pulled away.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked curiously.

"I know something," she said, winking.

I pulled her closer and wrapped my arms around her neck. She wrapped her arms around my waist pulling me even closer before going to bed.


We both took a shower and got changed back into our clothes. Going downstairs I go to the kitchen with Blair.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink or both?" I asked, going towards the fridge.

"Yes please," she replied sitting down at the table.

I made us both lunch and poured out drinks, Blair offered to help but I insisted.


Once we'd finished lunch we went back into the lounge going to the sofa. We sat down and watched Netflix for a while whilst cuddling. My head is resting on Blair's shoulder with her arm wrapped around my waist. Since the 'fall' my head feels a lot better and I'm no longer feeling dizzy. Although I'm worried about what the slacker might do I can't help but feel safer with Blair by my side.

I got another text with an attachment. Instantly I went cold. Blair looked at me with a knowing look as I opened up the text message.

You guys look cute. Too bad it won't last.


I clicked on the attachment of a photo. It's a picture of Blair and I cuddling from a few seconds ago. Whoever it was took it from the front room window. They're watching me right now.

"Blair look," I said panicked, shoving my phone in front of Blair so she can see it.

"We should call the police," Blair said, turning pale with worry.

"And tell them what, that someone knows about our relationship and is stalking us. They won't listen to us," I stated.

"We have to do something!" Blair nearly shouted.

Then another attachment popped up, us from earlier. Me with my top off while Blair was undoing my jeans. I feel sick and dirty that the stalker saw such an intimate moment. As much as I know we should contact the police there's something that is stopping me, the fear of something worse happening. But it's already escalated so much.


We went around my house making sure the doors and windows were locked and the blinds down.

"This is all we can do for now," I said looking at Blair.

"I still think we should call the police," Blair replied seriously.

"Yeah and trust me I want to but what if everything gets worse?" I replied anxiously.

"How could it get any worse!" Blair shouted "They've put both of our lives in danger. I don't want them to hurt you!"

"And I don't want them to hurt you but I don't know what to do!" I exclaimed.

Blair embraced me in a hug whispering in my ear "Okay but the next time something dangerous happens or anything remotely similar I'm calling the police no matter what."

"Okay," I whispered back, pulling away from her and gently kissing her lips.

My crush on the cheerleader (edited)Where stories live. Discover now