Chapter three

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I'm in my room after school studying on my bed with my two best friends helping me. We're listening to a mix of Nirvana, Radiohead, Guns n'Roses and David Bowie who could possibly be the best singers of all time, at least in my opinion. We're all quietly humming the songs under our breaths whilst trying to figure out how to do Sankey diagrams for Physics class.

"Okay, I understand it so 150J is the final amount right?" Tess questions. I looked down at the diagram in my book then looked at hers.

"Yes," I reply looking in my book for the next question.

"Nerd," I heard April mutter and Tess chuckle. Okay-- I guess. It didn't sound like a joke, instead her voice was lined with something more malevolent. I'm probably overthinking it though.

Sitting there awkwardly we looked at the questions for a while. I can't believe we got this much homework considering it's only a Monday. The weekend had gone by in a blur, all I seemed to do was work on my portfolio for Art and try to catch up on a bit of my personal reading. My parents seemed to be avoiding Marcus as much as they could and I hadn't seen Marcus much either, he was either out or locked away in his room. Some music had been blasting from his room, 'Wake me up when September ends' by Green Day seemed to be on repeat. I'm guessing he thought this was the perfect mellow song because there is only two weeks or so until September ends.

"So I hear that there is an amazing party on Friday after another game," Tess gushed.

"Okay, are we going?" April asked, tightening her ponytail.

"Wait there's another game at our school already," I question warily.

"Well no not exactly. It's at the football field nearby, you know the one with the large bleachers. Come on, it'll be fun. Just try it for me," Tess pleaded with her big brown puppy dog eyes, her hands clasped together.

"Fine," I said, giving in easily, it was hard to say no to her mahogany eyes. I never went to the outside of school games because it suited me perfectly fine not watching football when I didn't feel like I had to. I'm not sure if Tess has a crush on one of the guys on the team or what because I don't know of anyone on the team called Noah. Unless she lied but Tess would never lie to me.


"Hey," I said walking down the hall seeing my brother after having said goodbye to my friends.

"Hi. I need to talk to you," He replied bluntly.

Surprise must've covered my face because Marcus dragged me into his room which I hadn't been in for around two years. It was different from how I remember and he had moved some furniture around and put up loads of band posters almost covering one of his walls. Sitting at his desk chair I spun around and saw some of his sketches. They are so realistic with all the intricate shading and highlighting, I wish he could do my art GCSE for me. My art is nowhere near as good. I saw that he mainly focused on drawing celebrities and portraits.

"These are amazing," I said, picking up a picture of Andrew Garfield who played Spider-Man. There was another one depicting Wilbur Soot which I wanted to take a closer look at.

He came over to me and took the drawing of Andrew Garfield with a light pink blush highlighting cheeks. After taking in the shock of how good his artwork was I realised that it was the scene when Peter Parker's suit was off with the large gashes across his chest.

"Um anyway, I brought you in here to say not to tell anyone that I'm bisexual," He said curtly getting straight to the point. He looked anxious as he twisted the sleeves of his school jumper.

"Okay as long as you don't tell anyone including Mum and Dad that I'm lesbian," I deadpan. Anxiety rose in my chest as I waited for his response. Why am I so nervous? I know he'd be okay with it. He is bi afterall. Even though I keep telling myself this my heart still pounds erratically.

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