Ch. 22) Self Care

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"y/n, open up." You heard a low voice say, followed up by a whispered "bloody hell"

You froze

'I really hope this isn't happening'

You hesitantly approached the door and he knocked again. Finally reaching for the knob you opened it and peaked through the crack to see... a .. random .. dude.

"Oh, hey...?" You said in a hesitant and confused tone.

"Heyy" He said still talking very lowly, and cleared his throat afterwards. It was obvious this guy had been drinking. You sighed internally. You also saw a few men in the distance of the hallway snickering to each other and you connected the dots

"Leave me the hell alone." You said bluntly and closed the door. After hearing him drunkenly snicker and walk away, you opened your door again to see if they were gone. Once you observed they were, you quickly ran down the stairs to get the chocolate. Getting to the cafeteria your heart pounded in anticipation.

'God I really hope no one ate it'

Finally reaching for the fridge door, you opened it and to your luck, you found the tin foiled wrapped chocolate bar still sitting there. You sighed in relief. Your moment of relaxation was ruined when all of a sudden Ghost seems as if he appears out of nowhere, you slightly jump.

"You get scared easily." He says smugly.

"Yea well it's not normal for people to walk around so quietly. Especially a man big as you." 

He briefly chuckled in response.

"Oh I wouldn't eat that." He says pointing to the bar

"Wh-.. what do you mean?"

"Tastes weird."

Your heart dropped.

'oh no'

"You.. you ate some of it?"

"Yeah." he said dryly

You stood there not knowing what to say. You surprisingly kept your composure but he could sense something was off about you. He decided to brush it off as he opened the fridge and grabbed a water bottle. 

"I'll..see you tomorrow." He said opening the bottle and chugging it to about halfway while walking.

Your mind was running.

'what do I do?'

'should I tell him?'

'what would he say?'

'what..would happen next?'

You took a deep breath and hoped that the bite he took was small enough for it to not be super strong. You had never tried it before so you just prayed. You went back up to your room with the bar in hand now. As you entered your room you took a deep breath and told yourself it wasn't a big deal.


*knock knock knock*

You got up from your bed to answer the door. You yawned as you twisted the knob and saw Soap standing there.


"Hey Soap whats up?"

"Yea uhm, do you have Orca with you in here?"

"..Yeah why?"

"Oh that's weird," He said sort of mumbling to himself "I just heard some noises like whining from Ghost's room, I thought it was just him playing with Orca." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion

"Yeah no I don't know, but Orca is here with me," You quickly peeked on your bed "she's sleeping" You smiled in adoration as you looked at her cute little furry body slumped on your bed dozed off, but then immediately dropped it. Your cheeks went slightly red as you realized.. what he's probably doing.

"Yeah I don't either. Anyway, thanks. Sorry to bother." He said and walked away.

"No problem." You said as you plastered a fake but believable innocent smile on your face and then closed the door. A part of you wanted to snicker like an immature child and another part of you.. kinda wanted to.. you know.. maybe go help him.

You laughed at the own joke in your head. 

'maybe i'm wrong and he's doing something else'


You shrugged it off and climbed into bed. 

After a couple hours of sleep you abruptly woke up. Noticing your mouth was dry and you needed water you quickly threw on some baggy clothes and walked downstairs. Everything was mainly dark youc checking the time on your phone '2:43 am'. Sleepily dragging your body across the cafe to the fridge, something caught your ears attention. Footsteps. You looked behind you and saw Ghost coming down the steps, his body language seemed it bit awkward which was not like him.

"Hey, why are you up this late?" You said before taking big gulps from the water bottle.

He didn't say anything. He just kept walking towards you. It was dark, the only light you had was illuminating from the fridge.


He didn't reply, but now he was even closer.  He started to approach you.

"Ghost whats goin-"

He grabbed the fridge door and closed it, and the water bottle out of your hands putting to the side. Immediately with no apparent reason he pinned you against the counter. Putting his hand on the counter on both of your sides, closing you in.

"Wha- Ghost-" 

"What was in it?" He said abruptly

"Wh- huh, what was in what?"

"The chocolate."

You felt your heart drop again, hopefully the last time for tonight.

"Uh I Uhmm.. how'm I supposed to know?" You said trying to play innocent.

"Don't play dumb with me." His tone a bit harsher than usual, and he usually has a harsh tone. You sighed.

"Look it was an honest mistake some of the dudes who packed my stuff accidentally brought it, but in my defense i did think it was a normal chocolate bar when I put it in the fridge." You started to talk nervously. The mix of him being so close and interrogating you made you heart beat speed up a bit.

"Mhm and what about when you knew i ate piece?"

"Look uhh im sorry, c..can i go now?." You said. He didn't say anything, but you did see something change in his eye.

"You know this lasts a long time right?" His eyes traveled down your body.

Your face slightly turned pink.  He took your hand.

"Come with me, and stay quiet."

(Sorry for the wait guys I've been busy with school and other parts of life lmao, thank you to anyone who still supports and enjoys my work. I love ya'll 🩵🩵)

The Akuma (Ghost X Y/n)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن