Ch. 14) Lost And Found

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You got out of the bed, placing your bare feet on the cold white tile floor. You grabbed some comfortable clothes that the nurse's ever so kindly cleaned for you, and put them on. It was 3:33 am, you woke up around 3 and couldn't fall back asleep, so you figured you'd find something better to do to pass the time.

'Orca!'  You excitedly thought.

You hadn't seen her for a while and you wanted to check on her to see if she needed any food or water, or if she went to the bathroom on your floor. You had on some baggy sweatpants with a loose tank top. You walked out of the room, heading out of the medical center. You wandered around for a while looking for any sort of directional signs but you didn't spot any. After a while, you finally figured, you're lost. Still walking, you recalled yesterday and everything that happened, caught up in your head while your thoughts ran around.

'Damn can't believe all of that shit happened so quickly' You thought to yourself, knowing that you've only been here for about roughly 3 days. 

'How the hell was my brother alive, mom killed him, I'm sure she did..but..then again, he was right there.' 'Not to mention, we all still have a mission to do'

Your body was on autopilot as your mind kept going. You went through everything that happened again mentally recalling what he almost did to you, what those men almost did to you. Your body tensed up. Then your mind switched to Ghost, remembering him saving you and carrying you, your body loosened up again. Your consciousness then switched on when you heard something behind you. You quickly turned around now facing the dark long hallway you just walked through. You hadn't even realized how dark it was.

'Where am I?'

The long hallway was accompanied by some rooms on the sides that you had no idea what were for.

'Seriously, where the hell am I?'

You kept staring down the hall then you heard something scurrying across the floor, but it was too dark to see. You started to walk towards it, slowly and quietly putting your foot down with every step.

'God I hate how I let my curiosity drive me all the time, it always gets me into bad situations.'

Still the sound continued as you got closer preparing yourself for anything that could happen. That's when you heard a soft meow. Your demeanor changed instantly, then you heard a familiar voice.

"Stop running off, you little bugger." 

You watched as Ghost picked up something off the ground.

"Ghost?" You quietly called out.

"There you are, where the hell are you running off to?" He asked as he approached you. "You're in no condition to be moving around like this."

"I'm fine, I was actually just trying to get to my room to find.. Orca!" You quietly exclaimed as you saw the cute little kitten in his gentle grasp. You cupped your hands to take her as Ghost passed her over.

"You're trying to find your room here? This place is for if we save people on missions, so they have a place to stay." He said keeping his voice at a very low volume. 

"Ohh, that's what those rooms are for." You said while petting Orca. You had a big smile on your face while she purred at your touch.

"Yeah you're going the wrong way stupid."

"Well sorry, I don't have this place mapped out when I haven't even been here for a week." You said sarcastically.

"Come on, it's this way." He said and started to walk where you came from.

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