Ch. 5) The Grinch

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"The Dokus. The men you saw at the old cafe in Switzerland, yeah, they wanted to meet with you to kill you. The Dokus are a japanese organization that are running an underground drug facility that keeps crossing the borders unchecked, we assume they have undercover men working at the border checkpoint that allows them through, they've also been assumed to be working a sex trafficking organization with exclusively minors."

"Jesus christ what's their villain origin story?"

"The leader of all of this, well, you could say that for him with guarantee."

"Oh shit, what he do?" You said in a jokingly manner.

Price laughed to himself.

"The guy grew up never having parents, despised families, and admired the filthy rich assholes. Only thing is, he doesn't work for his wealth, he takes it."

"Is this bitch the grinch?"

You heard a couple of Price's men laugh as well as himself. Not skull face though, nah, skull face just kept staring at you.


"We don't know his name nor any official credentials of him, these are all things that have been passed down from mouth to mouth."

", a big game of telephone is what you're telling me?"


"Y'know, during all this walking, you still haven't told me what you need me for."

"Ah yes, can't forget the lead role."

You finally arrived to the conference room and one of his men opened the door for us. There was a long oval glass table that probably seated about 30 people, and the blonde girl from before was sitting in one of the chairs in the middle

"Have a seat." 

Price said while sitting in the chair in front of you and right next to the blonde girl. Price's men just stood behind the table.

"I see you've finally come around." The blonde girl said.

"Ehh not quite yet, i'm compromising only for a little bit."

"Laswell." She said putting her hand out.

"Y/n." And you shook it. "So, what do you need me for?"

"The only problem that we're facing with this mission, is the fact that we're not going to be able to use guns." Price said.

"Mmm I see, but why?"

"The only way we're going to be able to get into this facility to at least talk with the leader, is having to put our guns aside or they'll send us away. Now if we choose to just ambush them, it'll startle the leader to run into his shell and we'll never be able to have a friendly little chat. We need to make sure we won't start a war for no reason."

"Hm, he sounds like a pussy to me. Still though, what do you want me to do?"

"Our only choice is to put our guns away, but, that doesn't mean we won't have other weapons."


"Checkmate. We need you to dedicate about 8 months, give or take, into teaching my men how to be masters of the blade, like yourself."

You burst out into laughter, swiping your finger across your eyes to stop the tears from forming. Then you suddenly stopped.

"'re serious."

The Akuma (Ghost X Y/n)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt