Ch. 20) Jealous of The King

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'König?' You echoed in your head. You got up, walked to the door, and opened it.

You were taken aback when you saw a very tall and muscular man at the other side of your door. You look up and saw the familiar balaclava. 

"Oh, you're one of the transferred soldiers," I reached out my hand to shake his "Nice to meet you officially." His hand hesitated briefly before grabbing yours surprisingly gently and shaking it.

"Yes, uhm Entschuldigen Sie(my apologies), I wanted to speak with you." He was a very large man, but he seemed to have an awkward feel to him. He talked in a shy manner and his voice wasn't deep and serious, completely contradicting his appearance. His greyish eyes looking everywhere but you as he spoke.

"Alright, what'd you come to me for?" You say stepping out of your room and closing it behind you. "Come, walk with me." You said and started to walk as König followed.

"Uhm, I wanted to..speak about the training you do." His words were thought out, it was clear English was not his first language.

"Okay, what about it?" 

"Do you think I'd be able to do well? You know, with my size and all." 

You looked up at him with a smile.

"I do, it doesn't matter your size. I teach mostly Jiu Jitsu when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Maybe the blades'll be a bit more tough, but that's gonna be a challenge for everyone." You say and he nodded.

"I have experience with blades." He said with a bit of joy in his voice

"Good, then you already have a head start." You said and gave him a soft smile. He seemed like a sweet guy, especially surprising considering what he does for a living. "So where are you transferring from?"

"Didn't Captain say before?"

"Oh, honestly, I wasn't listening." You say and then softly yawn after. The tall man softly chuckled at your remark.

"The Kortac corps."

You nod as you walk down the stairs with him. You spark up a little small talk as you arrive to the cafeteria, you walked up to the fridge grabbing a gatorade. You closed the fridge door and tried to open the bottle but found it really hard. You squeezed and twisted as hard as you could, giving your hand a break every few seconds. Then König recognized your struggle.

"Need help with that?" He said with genuine concern. After a few more seconds of struggle you finally gave in and handed him the bottle of gatorade. Effortlessly, his gloved big hands opened the bottle and then he handed it back to you.

"I loosened it for you." You said playfully. He shyly chuckled at your comment.

You didn't notice the strong presence stalking you both in the corner of the cafe. Until the 'strong presence' spoke and stepped out from the shadows. 

"What're you two doing up around this hour?" You heard a very familiar English accent say from behind you. You turned and faced Ghost.

"Oh hey Ghost, I was formally meeting one of the transferred soldiers, König." You said gesturing to the tall man next to you "And I wanted to get something to drink." You say following your sentence up with a sip of the gatorade.

Ghost gave König a dread filled stare that would send any sane man into a state of fear. König felt the overwhelming dangerous presence from Ghost.

"I-I'll leave you two be," König said and started to walk away "Ich muss sowieso etwas schlafen(I have to get some sleep anyway)" He mumbled. Ghost watched as he walked away, staying quiet as he observed his every move until he was out of line of sight. He then turned his attention back to you.

The Akuma (Ghost X Y/n)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon