✰ big man, big feelings ✰

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j. simmons & l. fitz, comfort/sibling bond

 "Hey are you ok? I heard what happened on the mission." You watched as Mack and Coulson deboarded the Quinjet with bags slung over their shoulders, looking furious. Coulson completely ignored you, which pretty much answered your question.

"Ok then. Mack? You okay? You look pissed." You asked, concerned for your friends. Daisy's vigilante crime spree was really harming the morale of the team, especially Mack and Coulson, who were out looking for her everyday.

"I'm fine." Trying to keep up with his pace as he walked speedily to the lab, you scoffed at his response. "What?"

"That was a sincere answer." You rolled your eyes.

"It's fine. There's nothing to talk about." He entered the lab, pushing the door open. Fitz and Simmons, who were working, turned their heads to the door, noticing Mack's frustrated expression and tone.

"Hey Mack, how did the mission go?"

"Daisy got away." He grumbled, placing the tools Fitz had lended him back on the counter with a slight hint of aggression.

"Well, she'll come back. She wouldn't abandon us completely." You rationalized, as Fitzsimmons both sent you a weak smile. That was the hope, of course. She just needed some time to process before coming back to SHIELD, where she belongs.

"We don't know that." Mack turned and looked at you, sounding annoyed. Fitz rubbed his hand over his face, realizing where this was about to go.

"She wouldn't do that." You shook your head in disbelief that Mack was almost giving up on Daisy. His partner.

"How do you know? Seems like she does whatever she wants these days."

"Do you actually think she's never going to come back? Come on Mack, give her a break." You argued. Mack and Daisy were close, but you and Daisy were closer. You had known her for longer, but now Mack was acting like he was the expert in this situation. It was almost offensive that he thought of Daisy like that.

"She abandoned everyone!" He shouted, slamming his hands down on the table, making you flinch. Simmons noticed the color drain from your face and the obvious anger that was beginning to take over Mack's better judgment.

"Mack, why don't you grab some water?" She tried to deescalate the situation, but to very little avail.

"I'm fine. It's Y/N who needs to get a grip." You tried to maintain a stoic expression, but it was hard. Mack was nice enough to you, but you knew he looked down on you, just because you were younger than the rest of them.

Fitz walked past Mack, placing a hand on your back. He also didn't really like the way Mack was talking about Daisy, but he especially didn't like the way he was treating you now. The Bus Kids, as they called themselves, were very protective of you, as was the rest of the team.

"Hey, it's ok. Daisy's grieving. She'll come back when she fe-"

"So we just have to wait around until she decides that she's ready to come back?" At this point, Mack wasn't being rational. He was angry, and you just happened to be there for him to blame it on.

"Just because you're upset does not mean you get to take it out on me." You stood up for yourself as you stepped forward, closer to Mack. "I've known Daisy longer, and I know her better. She wouldn't do that to us. She wouldn't do that to me."

At this point, the tears that were forming in your eyes were almost overflowing. You weren't crying out of sadness, you were crying out of anger and frustration. While Mack's anger comes out as aggression, yours is more internalized.

"Well maybe you're not as important to her as you thought." He turned, practically snarling at you. You immediately took two steps back, bumping into Fitz and Simmons, who were standing behind you. They didn't know how to comfort you, as the things Mack was saying were so out of character for him. You turned around, leaving the lab with tears streaming down your face.

"Y/N?" May was about to enter the lab as you exited, noticing the expression on your face.

You didn't have the ability to explain what happened without completely losing it, so you just shook your head and walked back to your room. When you got to your door, you opened it and slammed it behind you.

Picking up a shoe from the floor beside you, you chucked it against the wall in anger with a loud grunt.

After it clattered to the ground, leaving nothing but a small scuff mark on your wall, you flung yourself onto your bed, face down.

A few tears left your eyes now that no one was there to see them. After a brief moment of vulnerability, you sat up, wiping your tears as if they were never there. The only evidence of you crying was your red face.

"Y/N, it's Jemma."

"And Fitz."

You smiled as you wiped your face again, responding, "Come in."

As they opened the door, they could see that you were crying, but they chose not to say anything.

"Are you ok?"

"Peachy." You chuckled lamely.

"He didn't mean what he said. He was just upset." Fitz tried to make the situation better, but the awkward silence after his justification led you to believe that he didn't believe it either.

"It's fine, seriously, I get it." You shrugged, trying to downplay your obviously hurt feelings.

"No, it's not fine. He's a grown man, he does not have the right to take it out on a teenager." Simmons sat down on the bed beside you.

"Thanks, Jemma. But I'm ok. Everyone is on edge right now, I just pushed him over."

"I'm sorry, Y/N." Fitz sighed empathetically, crossing his arms.

"You guys didn't do anything wrong. You had my back." You smiled, sure of yourself. "Next time, I'll know better."

"No, there won't be a next time. If he pulls that stunt again, I'll personally strangle him." Fitz pointed seriously. Jemma raised her eyebrows as you laughed, trying to imagine how that would work.

"Thanks, Fitz." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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