✰ i know places pt. 1✰

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It had been three days since the temple. Three terrifying days, each moment spent wishing I had never chased after Skye and Tripp. Every second spent wishing I never found out what I learned in the temple.

I used to read comics as a kid, every night I went to sleep wishing that one day I'd be able to soar like a bird or teleport anywhere the world could take me. Now I wake up in fear of what I've become. Maybe dreams are meant to stay dreams for a reason.

My skin throbbed as if screaming at me to let loose, but I myself was too afraid of the consequences. I've always had the ability to take a life. The pull of a trigger, the snap of a neck, a press of a button, but those are all things I can control. I have no clue how to control this. When I get angry, things seemingly crush themselves. When I'm excited, objects hang afloat in the air. Am I supposed to stop feeling completely?

The people I considered my family were also afraid of what changed within Skye and I. Shipped us off to a cabin and left us to fend for ourselves.

I watched out the window as the forest surrounding it lay still. Skye paced the room, the floor shaking ever so slightly.

"Skye." I whispered.

"I know, I'm sorry." She clasped her hands together, taking a deep breath. 

"No, I'm not talking about that. I think someone's here." An odd feeling clouded my mind. 

"What? There's no way. The only people who know our exact coordinates are Coulson and May."

"Someone's here." A knock sounded out through the room. I grabbed my gun off of the table and nodded to Skye to open the door, which she did timidly. The door opened revealing a rather bizarre sight. 

A man with no eyes stood in front of the door, bearing a friendly smile. I kept my gun trained on his abnormally large forehead. (Like really big.)

"You can put that down, you won't be needing it." He motioned to the gun in my hands.

"Usually when people say that, they're lying." I responded, not letting my guard down. 

"Who are you?" Skye interrogated as the man let himself in, taking a seat on the couch.

"This couch is very uncomfortable." He joked, a soft chuckle escaping his lips, but his laughter was met with silence. He sighed, "I've come here as a friend. The mist changes everyone differently, but the difference between the two of you and myself is what happened after. I had someone who embraced me and the change. And what did SHIELD do to you?" 

"Shipped us out here with nothing and no one but each other." I lowered my gun, placing on a table. It was true. During the last few days I've played more games of Solitaire than I would have liked to.

"They did it to protect us." Skye countered, defensively. 

"They did it to get rid of us, Skye. Wake up." I rolled my eyes at her blind faith. I admired her ability to trust so easily, something rare for anyone within SHIELD, but sometimes her trust got her into dangerous situations. And I too trusted Coulson and the team with my life. Even saved theirs a couple of times. One thing I had never done, however, was ask for help. Now the one time I need it most, they send me away. 

"I'll take you to a place where you can be with people like us." He offered.

Like us? There are more?

"You can learn about yourselves, your gifts. You can be safe. But only if you want to come." 

"How will you find us?"

"Trust me. I'll know." As soon as the man appeared, he disappeared in a swirl of blue electricity. My face contorted in confusion at the events of the last 5 minutes. I've seen more in 3 days than what an average SHIELD agent will see in 3 years.

A silence loomed over the room, broken only when Skye spoke up after a moment, "You know-"

"Please don't tell me you're actually thinking about it." I interrupted, staring at her incredulously. She shot me a cheesy smile. "No no no!"


"No! Are you kidding me, Skye?" I paused, waiting for her to realize how stupid she sounded. "A random guy with no eyeballs shows up at the doorstep of a secret SHIELD retreat and offers to take you to an undisclosed location where we can unleash the beast? I don't think so." 

"It's not your decision to make!" 

"Well I have a right to question your judgement!"

"You shouldn't! I'm an adult and fully capable of making my own choices."

"Maybe you shouldn't make decisions for yourself."

"What's that supposed to-" Skye was cut off by the ringing of her cellphone. She ran over to the table to pick it up, reading the contact. "It's May." 

"Put her on speaker." 

"You need to get out of there. Now." May's voice rung over the speaker, a slight tone of concern in her voice. 

What the actual hell is happening right now?

Without another word, I immediately sprung into action, grabbing my gun and heading towards the door.

"What? Why? What are you talking about?" Skye babbled.

"There's a panel on the southwest corner of the compound. It'll let you bring down the laser grid fence." As soon as May finished her sentence I darted out of the door, keeping low to the ground. I wasn't going to stick around while Skye backed herself into the corner. As I ran through the trees, I heard the familiar roar of the Quinjet and distant gunfire. 

Why would SHIELD be chasing after us? Aren't they on our side? 

As I thought more about it, I had a feeling that May was on our side, but SHIELD was not. When I reached the panel I could hear another set of hurried footsteps behind me. Skye rushed over to me, using her technical skills to figure out the controls. I stood behind her, my gun out and ready to fire at any moment's notice. More footsteps filled the air as two people came out of the clearing. 


"Bobbi, thank god! What the hell is going on?" I lowered my gun as the man standing next to Bobbi raised his, aiming for Skye, whose back was turned away from us. 

"Skye get down!" I screamed. A gunshot rang out through the air and I was sure that Skye was dead until I felt the ground beneath my feet shake with vigor. Both Bobbi and the man were sent flying back, hurdling through the air as if they were punched with great force. I looked towards Skye, who now stood beside me, looking at her hands in shock of what she had done. Her eyes were filled with pure terror. 

"Gordon, help us." She whispered underneath her breath. The man appeared again, standing in between Skye and myself.

"Would you like to go home?" Skye shook her head, but I had made up my mind. She looked at me in panic, "Y/N you don't have time for this. They will hunt you down."

"I'm sorry, Skye." Before she could object, both Gordon and Skye flashed away before my eyes, leaving me with one thing to do. Run. 

My feet slammed against the forest floor as I ran. I didn't know where I was going but I knew I needed to get as far away as I could. My lungs burnt and my legs ached but the adrenaline pumped through my body, pushing me faster than ever. 

Was Bobbi trying to kill me? Is she HYDRA?

I didn't know the answer to either question but I did know that SHIELD was now hunting me down, like a fox. 

(A/N y'all see what I'm doing here right? If you don't, think Taylor Swift ;)

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