✰ can't sleep ✰

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I rolled over to meet the bright red glow of the numbers on my clock. 2:38am. I sighed and rolled back over, closing my eyes once again.

I'm seriously considering shooting myself with an ICER and calling it a night. I don't really know why I can't fall asleep, but I just can't.

I groaned lightly and kicked the covers off of my body, pulling myself out of bed. Reluctantly  dragging myself to the kitchen to grab myself a glass of water, trying not to wake anyone up. Spies are very light sleepers. (Except Daisy. There could be a nuclear war going on and she could sleep through it.)

I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and opened it as I sat on one of the barstools. Something about the base at night was very serene to me. During the day it's bustling with agents doing their daily work, loud and lively. Don't get me wrong, I love the busy life, but the silence is so peaceful. The hum of the air conditioning and my own breathing were the only noises that occupied the room. I pressed my forehead against the cold metal of the table, silently banging my head in frustration.

"Y/N?" A voice called out from behind me, causing me to jump. I sighed in relief when I locked eyes with Jemma. "Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you."

"No don't worry about it." She entered the kitchen, also grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. "Wait, why are you awake?" I questioned as she turned around to face me again.

"I could ask you the same question." She quipped with a soft smile. Jemma is one of those people that you could never hate. She's kind and beautiful, and she never fails to make everyone feel like someone.

"Couldn't sleep." I responded and she hummed in agreement.

"Neither could I. I thought taking a walk around the base might help when I saw you sitting in here, banging your head against the table." She joked.

"You have any tips for me, Little Miss Science Fair?" I asked hopefully.

"Not really. I can't even fall asleep myself. I was almost considering a little bit of help from the ICERs."

"I was too." I laughed a little. "I guess I'm just thinking too much."

"About what?"


"Cheers to that." She held out her water bottle and I reciprocated.

"You have anything that's keeping you up?" I inquired, hoping she would have something interesting. Not a lot of gossip around SHIELD these days.

"Not something, but someone." She smiled, thinking.

"Oh? Jemma Simmons has a little crush." I teased in a sing-songy voice and she scoffed in response. She stuttered trying to find words to defend herself. "Don't worry about it. Your secret's safe with me. Except I'm not really sure if it was a secret in the first place." I took a sip of my water and she nearly spit out hers.

"What? I didn't tell anyone." Her cheeks were tomato red.

"You didn't need to. Don't worry. He likes you too." I smiled a little as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "You guys just know each other. You fit each other's rhythms. I love watching you guys work together even when I don't understand half of what you're saying. I wish I had a Fitz."

"If I can find mine, then you can find yours." She said sincerely. I yawned, covering my mouth quickly. She dramatically gasped, acting offended. "Are you trying to tell me that I'm boring you with my love life?" 

"No, but if you don't make a move sooner or later, I will for you." I winked, hopping off the barstool and heading out of the kitchen. "But if he ever hurts you in any way, it will be the last thing he does." She laughed, but I was definitely not kidding. "Love you, Jem." I whispered as I slipped out of the kitchen and back to my room.

"Sweet dreams." 

I strolled back to my room, thinking about what Jemma said. If I can find mine, then you can find yours. 

I hope that's true. 

(ok y'all ik this one is super short but I just need to put something out. the writing will get better I promise)

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