✰ christmas cookies ✰

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Request: 'Could you do one where a young girl that Bobbi Morse rescued from Hydra tries to celebrate Christmas for the first time with the team?"

You love Christmas. Despite never actually getting to celebrate it, you loved the holidays. Growing up in Hydra, tree decorating and yuletide spirit was generally frowned upon, as aren't necessarily the holiday type. After being rescued by SHIELD, you still didn't know how to go about celebrating it, but you always wanted to.

In your own little ways, you tried your best to celebrate by yourself. You didn't have anyone to give presents to, but you put a little tree on the desk in your bunk and listened to Christmas music, however, that was pretty much it.

But this year was different. After becoming so close with the rest of the team, you had someone to celebrate with. So now you're taking matters into your own hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" Fitz walked into the base's kitchen, his eyes widening when he saw the mess of baking ingredients currently sprinkled all over the counter. You poured milk into a measuring cup, trying to follow the recipe you had found on Pinterest.

"I'm creating yuletide spirit, Fitz!" You said, dumping the milk into the bowl, creating a clumpy yellow dough, kneading it together with your hands.

"I don't see yuletide, I just see that the abominable snow monster barfed all over the kitchen where I was trying to pour myself a cup of coffee." He put his hands on his hips, unimpressed by the mess, which had spread to the coffee machine.

"Oops." You tried to brush the flour off of the machine, but just ended up spreading dough onto the carafe.

"No, stop, stop, stop, you're making it worse." He groaned, pulling the machine away from you as you laughed at his frown.

"Someone feeling Grinchy?"

"No, I am caffeine deprived." He sighed, rubbing his forehead with his hand. "I'll just deal with it though because the coffee machine is currently covered in flour." He turned on his heels and left the kitchen, leaving you with dough covered hands and a frown.

You were kind of hoping for some enthusiasm or maybe some assistance because the 'cookie dough' you were making was looking more like sludge than dough. Maybe frozen cookie dough and microwaved hot chocolate would be easier to pull off. Or maybe just watching movies alone is just how you're meant to spend the holidays.

"Y/N?" Bobbi poked her head into the doorway of the kitchen, a slightly confused look on her face as you attempted to wipe your hands on a dish towel.

"Hey Bobbi, what's up?" You smiled, trying to shake off your disappointment.

"What's all of this?" She motioned to the mess of bowls and bags that lay on the counter.

"I was trying to bake Christmas cookies, which I've never done before as you might be able to see." You grabbed the flour in defeat, putting it back into the pantry.

"You've never baked Christmas cookies before?" She raised an eyebrow at the apparently shocking statement.

"No. I shoot people, I don't have time for snickerdoodles."

"Are you kidding? I love baking Chrisstmas cookies, I'll help." You grinned at her enthusiasm, grateful that someone was willing to help.

"You bake?"

"Not as much as I would like to, but me, my brother, and my mom used to bake cookies every Christmas Eve." She grabbed an apron and tied her hair back into a ponytail, ready to assist.

"That's so cool. I've never gotten to celebrate Christmas before, but I thought since I have people to celebrate with, I wouldn't have to do it alone this year." You smiled at Bobbi whose heart melted slightly at your words.

You were so different from when she and Simmons had rescued you from Hydra last year, and she was glad. For the first couple of weeks, it was hard for you to trust anyone, which was completely understandable and valid. It took a while for you to warm up and trust, but the girls on the team took you under their wing and treated you like a little sister.

"Ok, let's try this again." She teased.

"I heard there's cookies?" Daisy entered the kitchen, scanning the room for any baked goods she could snag.

"Not yet. Y/N over here isn't exactly Martha Stewart." Bobbi chuckled, tossing the congealed lump of dough into the trash and grabbing a new bowl to start over.

"Who's Martha Stewart?" You raised an eyebrow, looking to them to explain as they giggled. "Are you making fun of my baking abilities?"

"Your lack of baking abilities to be specific." Daisy laughed, causing you to scoff sarcastically.

"Can we turn on a Christmas movie?" You asked excitedly, happy that Daisy and Bobbi joined you.

"What about Home Alone?" Daisy suggested, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV.

"I've never seen it." You added, rinsing the last of the residue off of your hands.

"What!" She turned back, dramatically dropping her jaw. "It's one of the best Christmas movies ever."

"I like the second one more." Bobbi added, pouring flour into a measuring cup and leveling it with a knife.

"What's going on here?" You found yourself smiling again as Jemma joined the party, sitting on a barstool next to Daisy.

"Making cookies." You said as Bobbi directed you to add the sugar to the bowl. "I know, I think I forgot the sugar last time." You remarked, making Bobbi laugh.

"That's kind of important in a sugar cookie." Daisy scrunched her eyebrows as Jemma nudged her in the side.

"Give the girl a break."

"Thank you, Jemma." You squinted your eyes jokingly at Daisy who stuck her tongue out at you in response.

"Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever made Christmas cookies either." Daisy tilted her head, trying to recall her own Christmas experiences.

"Seriously? Where did you guys grow up?" Bobbi questioned, causing Jemma's eyes to widen. 

"An orphanage."

"Hydra." You both answered simultaneously, Bobbi's cheeks immediately flushing red as she realized what she said.


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