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Rhea's POV

His fingers were twined with mine, sending an electrifying sensation through my whole body. My chest was heaved from breathing so fast it was like every bit of oxygen was consumed and there was nothing left for me to breathe. I have never been so out of control just by holding hands with a man, not even in my teenage.

"Okay Ranaji enough of your fingers playing with my hand, now you have violated the rules. I never said that you can romance me anywhere you want." I said bluntly making him jerk.

Part of me hated myself for saying this to him but I just wanted him to pin me against one of these stalls and kiss me and I wondered how his kisses would feel like? Rough? Hard? Will they taste like him hot, sinful, dangerous and unfiltered musculanity? I had never been so desperate for a man's touch before and I resented it, so to keep my emotions in Check those cruel words slipped out of my tongue.

I know he is my husband and I have forgiven him but I still couldn't get myself to let him take control over my body. Just not yet. I still needed some time to process.

Rehan untwined his fingers with mine. My stomach cramped.
Tick.  Tick.  Tick.  I watched the muscle jump in his jaw with nervousness. His anger was a rolling wave, slow, insidious and dangerous. Rehan's Adam's apple bobbed with the force of his swallow. But when he spoke again his tone was as smooth and calm as a moonlit lake.


Okay? My heart twisted. That was the most vaguest answer he had ever given. Was he mad at me? But why didn't he say anything? What if he never talked to me again? What if he got bored of waiting for me? Several questions bounced in my head.

"Ranaji" I wanted to say something to him. I wanted to apologise to him for being so rude. But I couldn't get a hold of myself. Why do you always have to mess up things Rhea? Why? Everything was going smoothly but no you always have to disrupt everything beautiful just because of that overthinking stupid brain of yours.

"Don't overthink about the statement sweetheart," Rehan said. He must have noticed the crack in my voice and the crease on my brows.

He turned my face towards him and  Cupped my cheeks and a warm sensation filled my heart and body.

You never have to worry about me getting bored of you cause you are the most fascinating woman I have ever met and never think twice before saying anything to me. I want you to be unfiltered with me. I want you to share every little detail about your life and I want you to always tell me whenever you feel uncomfortable without overthinking just like you did now and I will never judge you for that. I promise.

My heart exploded at his words I never thought that someone could read my mind and see through my fears and insecurities.

"Are you a mind reader Ranaji?" I said narrowing my eyes at him.

"No, I am just my wife reader." He said winking.

Thousands of Butterflies entered my stomach making me chuckle.

Tell Me something about yourself. How was your childhood? Have you ever visited a carnival before? I asked him to lighten the environment that I caused because of my earlier statement and even though he was my husband I didn't know anything about him.

"Once" when I was 10. Rehan said with eyes filled with nostalgia. I didn't know that he could show emotions through his eyes. But who am I kidding he has shown more emotions in the last 1 month of our marriage than I ever thought he was capable of when I first met him.

"Our whole family went to the carnival at that time and that was my first and last visit to the carnival after that I was sent to the boarding school I stayed there till I was 18 and then I went to London for my graduation and post-graduation and when I returned to India I was handed over the crown by Reyansh bhai as he didn't want to become a king. You know I have always stayed away from my family because of my studies or business but now I just want to be with them. Even when I was in London my life revolved around being the best student and getting the best marks my brother and I were groomed to be a king. We were practically forced to live a life that involved thousands of maids, servants, and bodyguards."

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