While you stood gazing down into the calm pond amidst your flashback, you wrapped your fingers around the device in your pocket and pulled it out in front of you. Your thumb slid over the power button and a buzz vibrated over your skin when you held it down. The screen lit up in front of your face as you held it out for the minute that it took to process its awakening. When you typed in your screen lock code and pulled down the menu from the home screen is when your brows raised with what you were met with.

658 missed notifications.

You rolled your eyes at yourself with an exhale, deciding you had nothing better to do but click on the option to check the details.

334 unread messages.

From who? Were any of your college friends actually trying to check in on you? You tap your thumb on your messaging app.

206 unread messages from your contact named ‘Mom.’ 

You eyed the notification, unmoving. The looping conversation with Obsidian continued to ring through your mind.

“Becoming immortal sounded like one of the most freeing things…” you had spoken. A normal human life was like a cage that only opened at death. The benefits of becoming like the legends you knew was a privilege of being able to do more with every second that you were not ready to turn away. “Becoming a queen sounds like another set of ropes tying me down again.”

“Becoming our queen would grant you more freedom than you can ask for,” the woman countered. “You’ll be able to do anything you like around here and more.”

“I’m still in the learning process with everything Pitch would expect me to do,” you argued. “I’d mess up so fast.”

“No one said you’d be doing it all alone.” Amber irises softened. “You’ll have your king by your side to guide you regardless.” 

You raised your vision back up to the girl after you had let it trail down to the stone floor of the lair. “What would you do if you were me?”

“If I were in your position?” The woman looked up toward the ceiling in thought before bright irises landed back on your curled form. “I’m certain I would also feel lost for some time,” she admitted. “But I would not hesitate to march up to that man and tell him how I truly felt once I was ready.”

You gave the power button of your phone a short click again to lock the screen. As it went dark, you lowered the device in your hand to your side so you could gaze out toward the spring greenery of the woods. Above you were the sounds of chirping birds hidden high up in the branches. At least they all had the same pairs of wings to use to fly together. At least they did not have to deal with what you were attempting to figure out.

You, always the follower but rarely the leader. You had grown so used to the human world of abiding by the rules that it had mixed you up with not knowing what exactly you wanted for yourself, let alone what you needed. The several months of identity-questioning as you had finished your final year of college probably also was not helping being that you had recently come over that. You had completed all of your schooling, gone off and finished up your studies in a common field. You admit that you had not put detailed thought into what your original post-graduation plans were supposed to be other than trying to stably live with friends. In some way, you had done that by living in the underground kingdom. Most others eventually go off within their careers and use up their next few major life events by getting hitched and starting a family by their thirties. Maybe marrying and becoming Queen of Nightmares was some form of that as well.

His Nightmare Queen (Pitch Black x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now