//Ask the People//

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Hello, hello! I feel the time is right to hold a QnA session about this fic. It's only fair.

You can either ask the author(that's me), the lovely black pearl, or Y/N any sort of questions.

I'll post the answers in here to all of them here, in character when applicable. Thanks, and have fun.

Juniberserker asks "Black Pearl, why did you choose to have the collective body of Y/N to not immediately die and instead be tortured?"

"Simple. You can't get much entertainment value of a corpse. The little sounds of pain, all the little ways the body reacts when injured in some way? That's why I prefer to play with my food first."

GoombakidX asks "Black Pearl Cookie, have you ever thought about how your sisters have been doing? Do you think they miss you?"

"I have not seen my sisters since that day so long ago. Maybe they're dead, killed by the cookies I despise so much. Or maybe they're alive but in hiding. As for if they miss me, they won't for much longer. And with what I've accomplished, they'll learn to respect what their younger sister has achieved. Be it out of fear or out of sisterly love."

conrad417 asks "Sorbet Shark and Squid Ink: What happened? Is Gingerbrave dead?"

(translated from bubbling) "We tried taking on the big mermaid for the sea fairy, but then we lost contact with her after a while. Then the mermaid started destroying the place. We had to run. I'm not sure what happened to gingerbrave but I hope he's alright."

"Black Mermaid... Hurt... Never got Shiny... Don't remember... Cookie... crumbly..."

bdhjs7 asks "Black pearl I know this might be personal but do you really love your tool or are you just using them...?"

"At first, they were just that. A tool to get things done. Then, my tool starts to do things deliberately to make me happy and try to earn some trust. They destroy the republic, show me the magic candy machine, and generally do what I ask them too. It was then that I started to get some feelings for them. So both of those options are true in a sense, because I think Tool is a far more fitting name."

bdhjs7 also asks "Black Pearl and Y/N, would you want to have children in the future?"

"I'm not sure. An heir to my impressive feats would be most agreeable but I do not want to force such an exhausting workload on my tool for the next 2 decades."

"Eugh, no. Children suck. I'm not gonna put myself through that no matter what my mistress thinks. I just can't deal with their... everything, really."
(Not even considering the fact Y/N can either be male or female depending on who's reading)

bdhjs7 asks once again "Black Pearl, What other things can you do to Y/N to make them blush and fall to their knees, outside of just kissing them?"

"Well, when you've worked with tool for as long as I have, you're bound to learn what makes them feel nothing but pleasure. I know all the spots they love to be caressed in.  But I won't tell you because that's a secret between me and Tool, he he he~"

bdhjs7 has another question, this time asking "Mrgriaffe, what angsty route would you go for? For example, Black Pearl/Y/N dies. How would they react?"

Personally, I think it would way more angsty if Y/N died due to their... unique standing with BP. As for how the two would react if either died, Black Pearl would be absolutely devastated and destroy the world out of grief and Y/N would be really fucking depressed since It would mean they sacrificed everything for nothing. (If I misunderstood the question, tell me so I can give a proper answer)

SecurityPuppeteer has asked on discord "What are the plans for the future?"

Probably keep answering Questions here in between writing out new stories. Some will be more action oriented, some might be more x Reader shizz. You get the idea, Stormalong was fun but it couldn't go on forever.

"I hope to make a nice gallery of all the ships and places I've wrecked. I could also figure out what to get Tool for our anniversary when that comes up. They've been a great help and companion so it's only fitting."

"I think I'll go through what remains of the republic and try to figure what happened to some of the people I knew. I also hope to hunt down Clotted Cream and Financier because as far as I'm aware, they're still out there."

henrythehusky asks "BP, what's your favorite part about Y/N?"

"Oh, there's so many things I could say. But if I had to pick just one, then the fact they'll do anything for me is my favorite. My Tool is mine, and mine alone. No one else shall have them, and I like that."

Mister/Misses bdhjs7 yet again inquires with "Y/N, why do you look good in the clothing Black Pearl Gave you?"

"Because I look stunning in the right outfits. Especially when they're nice and clean. I can't bear to have myself looking dirty, in front of my mistress no less. She picked it out for me, so I'll keep wearing it as a result."

bdhjs7 inquires once more with "BP, can you be my mommy or is that a Y/N only type of thing?"

"Heh. Of course, I'll let you be with me. Just know you'll be my little plaything and that I get to use you however I like. And It's not wise to defy me, so you best do what you're told. Now get me a nice drink, mommy's thirsty."

bdhjs7 has another question, asking "BP, do you pretend to be Happy when Y/N gifts you something you don't like/want, or do you straight up say you don't like it as kindly as possible?"(Paraphrasing for the sake of brevity)

"It depends on what Tool gives me specifically, but on the rare occasion tool gives me something I don't like, I make sure they know it. And sure as the tides grow stronger with the moon, they try to get me something I for sure like as compensation. Makes me wonder if they even have a future away from me, he he~."

Starduster_Angeldawn asks "So, how's ruling earthbread going for the two of you?"

"Pretty good all things considered. It's definitely a lot easier when everyone's either scared of you or the person you're in love with. I will say though, the people who worships me and mistress? Definitely on the right track."

"It's fun ruling through sheer power alone. Tool always gets me the prettiest things by using their gift of the gab with the other cookies. I don't even want to kill them anymore, their terrified reactions are enough for me."

XPsticker asks in several words "If you're still taking questions, BP/ y/n, do you still have the cave you live(d) in, or did it get flooded by the water level? Also, do your worshipers/just the ppl who are still living have an island? If not where do they live?"

"Cave? What cave? I've been staying on an old shipwreck mistress calls home. What it lacks in safety and health code adherence, it makes up for in wonderous atmosphere and a cozy host that'll take care of you, in more than just one sense of the word care, he he he~."

"Our little cult following has taken after your's truly quite well. They forsake the land, for the most part, and live amongst each other on ships. Or as my sisters would call them... 'Dwellers of the hollow whales'. Quite the fitting description, no?"

bdhjs7 asks "Black Pearl and Y/N, has any one of you had an embarrassing moment between the two of you?"

"Well, if you don't count their adorable little introduction... I'd say when they got captured by dark enchantress' forces and got tortured. They're lucky they enjoyed the pain."

"I can think of one time. My memory's a bit vague, but while we were being... intimate for the first time, she made the most cute squeals of pleasure. You're welcome for that mental imagery by the way, he he."

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