//Chapter 20: Billy Riley//

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//Author's note//

Hey all. Sorry for the delay. I had stuff IRL going on. Just came to say thanks for the 6000+ reads. I'll also say that if we manage to reach 10,000 reads, I'll throw in a special scene at the end of this whole thing. K bye, and enjoy the story

//End of Author's note//

You awaken in a cell. Your first instinct is to feel around for your necklace. Thankfully, the fools had not realized it's significance and left it with you. So, if you were in a much stickier situation, help could still be called for. You looked around your new environment. It was old and dusty, like it hadn't been used in a long time. Talk about an indictment against your foes. But that didn't change the fact you were now captured and needed a way out. Seemed at least that this enchantress treated captives better than Black Pearl... not that it mattered much. 

A new figure soon came to you. It spoke with a male distinction, stating "Finally you're awake. We've been waiting for hours to see you up and ready." His long red hair curved unnaturally, like some kind of force held it in that specific shape. His hair led to you looking at his mismatched eyes. One Naturally blue, the other a most unnatural black with a glowing blue pupil. It starkly contrasted his dark mauve dough, its cracks giving the appearance as a veteran of combat. At least he had more experience than Financier at any rate. This led way to his most striking feature. A gigantic arm, striped with creme white and jam red. Its proportions were way out of sync with the rest of the body, as if it was meant for another creature.

You quickly snark at him with "Well now, you're too kind. The last place I was locked up in, I didn't even get a room. 7/10 stars for that alone." He snaps back, sneering with "Well I'll be sure to provide a similar service. Now then, you'll be telling me why you've come here or else you'll have to deal with Pomegranate." "Truth be told, I'd rather not say anything. I've endured worse. I've nearly drowned so many times I lost count a while ago." You tell him, grinning with smug pride. He uses his larger arm to grab you and pull you face to face with his battle hardened face. "You listen to me. I'm giving you an opportunity to not endure pure unadulterated torment. I shall give you mercy. Pomegranate will not. Now, tell me why you've come here and save yourself some trouble." He tells you, a mix of anger and desperation apparent. 

What to do? If his words were true, then this Pomegranate cookie would most certainly give nothing but suffering. And you had already endured enough of that when you first met Black Pearl. But if you were to reveal why you were here, then they might catch on that there's a big fish to fry. You had to speak carefully, to tell them just enough that they're satisfied but keep enough hidden than it's not totally obvious as to give away Black Pearl's plans.

You eventually work up the courage to say "I was sent here by a siren of the seas. She wants to find new treasures to expand her hoard of plunder" Red Velvet, unconvinced, pulled you in closer and said in a cold voice "If you think you can lie to me, then you're wrong. Why are you really here?!" You tell him this time "Alright, Alright! The siren part was true! But she sent me here to scout for possible recruits! She thinks there might be a force going against her! That's all she told me!" You were shaking uncontrollably. This cookie clearly knew how best to get information without resorting to torment. He releases you, letting you fall to the ground. He comments with smug pride "Now that wasn't so hard, was it? A cookie being the servant of a siren, master will definitely want to hear about this. Here's your meal for today. Not glamorous, but you've definitely earned it." He slips a handful of jellies into the cage and walks off. 

You weren't sure if you had revealed too much or just enough. Either way, it didn't seem that these people knew what the true plans of Black pearl were. Truth be told, you didn't know much yourself. She merely told you to do something, and you did it without question. What have you become?

||In a far off corner of the world...||

Oyster had left to gather support for her cause. She had heard rumors that Black Pearl had forged a magic candy that made her especially dangerous. So, she would go in person to the ancient kingdoms and see if she could get any help at all. In the meantime, Clotted Cream, His Bodyguard, The sea fairy and her adopted children would remain to discuss further plans of action. Sorbet Shark emits a bubbling sound, almost inquisitive in tone. Sea Fairy responds "Is that so? If true, then it means we will not have the Tool interfering with our plan. Perhaps it is for the best. I do not believe they are evil by themselves, rather that the black pearl tainted their heart and warped their mind." Clotted Cream responds with "I find that hard to believe, especially after that Traitor burned the republic to the ground. So many people gone in a stroke, it's hard to believe that they were just misguided." "Do not let your anger get the better of you, Clotted Cream Cookie. That very thing is what led the Black Pearl to where and who she is today. Do not become your enemy in the process of defeating them." Sea Fairy replies calmly. As squid ink could be heard sobbing, she goes to the cephalopod and tells them "I bet the Black Pearl has plenty of shinies. If you help us, you can keep them." Squid Ink sniffles and says "Really... Many... Shinies..." Sea Fairy merely nods, wanting to comfort the cookie with a promise she knows she can keep.


Old Billy Riley was a dancing master.
Old Billy Riley, oh, Old Billy Riley!

Old Billy Riley's master of a drogher.
Old Billy Riley, oh, Old Billy Riley!

Master of a drogher bound for Antigua.
Old Billy Riley, oh, Old Billy Riley!

Old Billy Riley has a nice young daughter.
Old Billy Riley, oh, Old Billy Riley!


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