//Chapter 1: Fish in the Sea//

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(Time skip: One week of sailing later)

You were filling for the helmsman. A few days earlier, he had gotten sick with some sort of tropical disease. You had never done something like this, yet the process came to you naturally. It's like you were meant to sail the open seas. You'd been manning the wheel for quite a while now when captain caviar approached you and told you "We're getting close to the duskgloom sea. This'll be quite the test of your sailing ability, going through stormy weather like this." You confidently told him "With how quickly I've taken to sailing, I'm sure it won't be much more of a step up."

You soon see storm clouds on the horizon, and captain caviar shouts to the crew "Beat to quarters! We're here!" The wind soon reached extreme speeds in no time at all and huge crashing waves began to rock the silent. The crew has gotten to their stations and you along with them attempted to keep the ship afloat. Soon, lightning began to strike. "The seas are angry today! Perhaps they know who we are!" Captain Caviar shouted. You did your best to keep the helm steady, but with how violent and aggressive the waves were, it was extremely difficult. Your arms began to ache almost immediately.

Lightning struck the center master, knocking the guy in the crow's nest off into a swift end in the sea. You barely managed to steer the Silent out of the way of some rocks, only to be facing down an immense maelstrom with no way of avoiding it. You desperately yell out to everyone "Brace for it, Maelstrom!" As the Silent is turned and tossed, your aching arms begin to give way. You hold on for dear life as the maelstrom's center gets closer. Captain Caviar quickly sees you struggling to hold on and tries to help you steer. But at that moment, lightning strikes the deck.

Shocked by the sudden strike of lightning, your arms fully give way and the sheer force of the maelstrom knocks you off the Silent, into the murky depths of the duskgloom sea. Your determination soon morphs into a sort of trance like fear. You thought "It's over. I'll get all soggy and no one will see me again." Were it not so wet, you would weep. You soon pass out from exhaustion, accepting your fate.

Unbeknownst to you or the remaining crew of the Silent, a rogue current carried you away further into the duskgloom sea. It was this same current that knocked the Silent out of the maelstrom. Assuming you were a goner, they decided to just turn around and cut their losses. Clearly, they would need a bigger boat.


Come all you young sailor men, Listen to me.
I'll sing you a song of the fish in the sea!

And It's Windy weather by Stormy weather, boys
When the wind blows, we're all together boys
Blow ye winds westerly, blow ye winds blow
Jolly Sou'wester by Steady she goes!


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