//Chapter 12: So Early in the Morning//

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You awaken in a nice Inn. It seemed that things had gone over smoothly during the night, because the merchant from before came to you just as you were finishing with breakfast. He says "My friend, it is good to see you again. I trust everything is well." "For once in my life, that's true. Things are going great." You reply with a smile. The merchant chuckles before leaning in to whisper "I've got a few recruits to the cause already, and Ive got them out getting people to the cause as well." You whisper back "Wonderful. One problem though, how are we gonna arm them all?" "I can get us most of what we need. A good merchant has connections after all." He replies, looking around to make he's not watched. You nod and quickly return to normal volume with "Excellent. Anyway, I'll talk to you later. I got business real soon." The merchant nods back and leaves. Soon after, you leave for a familiar spot.

When you arrive at the spot, you are relieved to see clotted cream still there. His bindings as tight as when you first applied them. Upon seeing you, he spits at the ground in front of you and, with resentment in his voice, says "I would be shocked by this, but not anymore. Not after the depths you've gone to. And for what?" You reply with a certain relish that stops short of breaking into song "For revenge, obviously. Oyster was a relic of the past. And as they often say, out with the old in with the new." "What purpose does taking me serve? I didn't do anything to deserve this. If anything, my 'father' is more befitting of this fate." Clotted spat out, getting hoarse with every spiked word he delivered. "This is but a means to an end. The republic will burn. Soon, we will see if it is a phoenix and reborn in flames or if it is a piece of wood and reduced to ashes at a single spark." You reply, getting closer to clotted with each step you take. "You really are a monster. You think murdering innocents will improve anything?! We have already sacrificed so much just to build this republic!" Clotted retorts again before coughing from his tiraid. "In time, you will understand. But right now, you present an obstacle. It was by a stroke of luck I found you outside in the jungle, wandering around like a lost cake hound." You reply, before turning around and leaving.

Sometimes later, you are at a small back alley when the merchant from before arrives. Before you or him speak, several more cookies come. Soon, you were surrounded by a crowd. You intended to give a speech about the revolution, but the merchant informs you that most of these people are not recruits. Time to see how your public speaking skills hold up.

"You know of the upper city. The sights. The sounds. The people. All that housed in a comfortable ball the fortunate wear on their head." You say, as the crowd begins murmur with indistinct emotions of hesitance. You breathe in and speak with a louder tone of voice "And yet, what do the people of the lower city get? Sneers, Insults, and Poverty, that's what." The crowd begins to stir. You speak with an absolute bellow as you proclaim  "Why should we stand idly by as our children starve, as our homes rot and give way, as our sick and elderly cannot hope to survive, while the people above host parties and spend extravagant amounts of coin on luxuries that serve no greater purpose?!" The crowd soon began to get riled up, chanting various phrases of revolt. You tell the crowd "No more, I say! We have been treaded upon for far too long! The time has come for a change in leadership! Soon, the decadent masses above shall see what the power of the people is like! Now go forth! Prepare yourselves, for we shall wage war upon the upper city and create a bold new republic!" The crowd erupts in a frenzy, clearly you had given them a call to action. 

As the crowd disperses and you head to the alley you left Clotted Cream in, the merchant follows and tells you "Great work, friend. I think we can just kick back and relax now, all we have to do is tell them to go when they're ready." You smirk and say "That might be a bit sooner than anticipated. Especially since the consul has recently been... indisposed." "How so?" The merchant asks, his eyebrow raising. You chuckle and say "Well... Let's just say he's.... a lot closer to us... than you think." "Ah, I see. We'll have to act quickly. They won't-"

The Merchant was cut off as a somewhat familiar face shoved him out of the way and came before you, sword drawn. "You seem familiar... The consul's bodyguard, are you?" You inquire. "You've got a lot to answer for. Least of all, what happened between you and Elder Oyster." She states, bitterness permeating every word. "What's your proof that I did it? As far as you know, I haven't done a single thing wrong besides appear and disappear at peculiar times." You smugly retort, while your gaze darts around looking for an escape route. The lady steps forward and tells you "Don't be coy. The day after you reappear after going missing, you and elder oyster vanish? It's too much a coincidence not to be connected. I'm bringing you in, dead or alive."

You grab a nearby box and throw it right at financier. She's stunned for brief moment, so you dash right past her and make your way to the market. She quickly recovers and gives chase. You see a crowd and quickly join it, Financier following shortly thereafter. Shoving people out of the way wasn't exactly easy, but it seemed that financier was struggling more than you. You slip away and financier soon loses track of you. She shouts in frustration "You can't hide forever! Im taking you down if it's the last thing I do!" Before storming off to the upper city.


The mate was drunk and he went below to take a swig at his bottle o
So early in the morning the sailor likes his bottle o
The bottle o, the bottle o, the sailor loves his bottle o

A bottle of Rum, a bottle of gin, a bottle of Irish Whiskey o
So early in the morning the sailor likes his bottle o
The bottle o, the bottle o, the sailor loves his bottle o


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