//Chapter 21: Good Mornin' Ladies All//

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//Incoming Lore Dump//

You had been having extremely vivid nightmares that would put any substance induced coma to shame. Transmissions from the deepest, darkest part of the brain, as a call or cry of some sort. What made these nightmare all the stranger was the fact that they did not seem like your own dreams. Perhaps, the necklace connected you and black pearl cookie more than you thought. Whatever these dreams were, it was haunting you to no end. If you went deeper into the abyss of night terrors, perhaps they would stop. And you might even learn something Black Pearl won't tell you about. With a shaky sigh and a hand close to the very necklace you treasure so dearly, you take a step into the inky blackness, out of your mind, and into the past of your so called mistress.

After what seemed an eternity walking through the void, it's vast hostility matched only by it's beauty and splendor, You come upon a memory from long ago. It showed a mermaid, covered in pinkish white and a chipper smile on her face. Next to the mermaid looked to be a younger version of elder oyster, it seemed this was before she had amassed her great wealth and influence. They made much talk, what it was seemed not important. What was important was that this mermaid was friendly to cookies. Kind and Caring even. If this was Black Pearl, then what could have happened to make her so Cruel and Callous? The Memory ended with the mermaid asking oyster to make a promise, and Oyster agreed.

You leave this cozy memory of the past behind, and step further into the depths of the mind. The places that stay hidden even in the most bright lights. It got harder and harder to see, the crushing darkness blinded you with it's presence. And as you got closer and closer to the next memory, you could hear something you never heard from black pearl. Screams and cries of terror, of wanting to avoid the imminent fate one is often met with in desperate situations. You could almost feel it in yourself. That agony, that pain. Eventually, the darkness began to clear and you were upon another memory.

This one, it was on a familiar ship. It was stormy, rain pouring down in an unending onslaught with lightning striking frequently. The same Pinkish White Mermaid could be seen on the ship, only this time she was Caught in net and held down with Chain. The look on the mermaid's face said it all, it was like a mix of every negative emotion all at once. Once again, Oyster appeared. This time, she was decked out in a full sailor's outfit. She tells the mermaid something, a twinge of regret plastered on. Was it real, was it fake? Who knows. What happened next was what sealed the deal. Oyster grabs the gemstone on the mermaid's forehead and begins pulling with all her might. The Mermaid could be seen sobbing and shouting at them, begging oyster to stop because it hurt. After what seemed like forever, the Mermaid and the gemstone separate with great force. Oyster held the gemstone and looked at it for a moment before telling the crew to dump the mermaid back into the ocean. They do that, and you follow the mermaid down into this lightless place.

"I trusted her. I trusted them. They were my friends. And They repay like this?! I'll show them. I'll show them all, those good for nothing cookie traitors." The Mermaid uttered as the abyss swallowed her whole, it's grasp inescapable. Then... Silence. It while it seemed like a few short seconds to you, you knew that it was years that went by for the Mermaid. Eventually, after a long time, a set of familiar eyes emerge from the abyss. Reborn and Reinvigorated, ready to take her revenge.

So, that was how Black Pearl came to be. You knew now why she had such disdain for the cookies. Why she thought they were all betrayers who stab their so called friends in the back at the first opportunity. You were conflicted, all this knowledge in mind. On the one hand, it seemed like it was a horrific experience to go through, to suffer for so long with nothing but the abyss as company. On the Other hand, just because Black Pearl had such a terrible time with cookies once did not necessarily mean all cookies were untrustworthy backstabbers, that one bad day did not excuse decades worth of lashing out at the world for your plight. But there was one more thing to consider in this complex equation of the mind of Black Pearl: You.

Something about you made part of Black Pearl change. You were the first cookie since that one bad day that Black Pearl had put any sort of trust in. You were different, but the exact reason why could not be determined. The choice sea fairy presented you what seemed like forever ago came up again. Do you forge your own path away from this siren, and leave yourself alone but with peace of mind? Or, do you stay with Black Pearl, cause more mayhem and destruction, all in the name of love? Perhaps, while not the most sensible choice, you knew deep down that you couldn't leave Black Pearl after seeing what she went through and why her trust is practically nonexistent. If you left her, that would only make things worse. Besides, you had already destroyed the republic in her name. It was too late to turn back by then, and it's too late to turn back now.


We are outward bound for Mobile town
With a heave-o, haul!
An' we'll heave the ol' wheel round an' round
Good mornin' ladies all!

An' when we get to Mobile town
With a heave-o, haul!
Oh, 'tis there we'll drink an' sorrow drown
Good mornin' ladies all!


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