//Chapter 25: The Maid of Amsterdam//

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It had been a few arduous moments since the two of you had narrowly clutched victory from what appeared to be a certain defeat. Only now, you yourself had paid for it dearly. Since you had first fallen into unconsciousness you had not awoken. With your injuries, it would surely mean a swift death.

And yet it was Black Pearl, known for being destructive in every sense of the word, who sought to keep you from meeting your final sleep. It would not be easy at all, she knew this well. Her hands were not meant nor made to mend a broken body. But it was that same determination that kept her grudge against the oysters going for years on end that would compel her to try and do the impossible.

With as steady a hand as she could muster, she used her tools ordinarily meant for torment to remove shrapnel and bullets from your form.  Once that was finished, she took whatever wrapping she could find, cleaned it as well as possible, and used them as makeshift bandaging.

Her nerves were completely against her the whole way. One mistake, and her favorite tool remained broken forever. The shaking was so bad, she had to take a moment to ease herself after applying a set of wrapping. After some self assurance that she could do this, she continued to operate.

Eventually, she finishes wrapping all your wounds. Not a single one was left exposed to the elements. All she could do now was keep a close eye on you and Pray for your life. She was not ready to have the one she trusted most leave her again, but now your life was in the hands of fate.

For days, you slept. Black Pearl made sure to take care of your necessities while you were incapable of caring for yourself. In the meantime, you had begun to dream. They were vivid, only this time it was a look inside yourself.

You recalled Captain Caviar. A hardy man, fit for the sailing lifestyle. He would have likely sailed for the rest of his days in peace. But you had cut his life short, resorting to underhanded tactics to end him in the midst of a chaotic situation.

You recalled all your previous friends in the republic. They were greatly varied, and most supported you no matter what. They made you happy, and you did much the same to them. Now, it was likely that they were all dead because of you.

You recalled the Consul and his bodyguard. Both were noble people, with noble goals. They wanted only what was best for cookie-kind. They did what they could, wherever they could. And now, it was likely they had vanished into the shadows after their vehicle for this change in the world had gone up in flames.

You Recalled the Sea Fairy. A legend among the cookies, especially those whose bride was the sea. She had only done what she thought was the right thing, trying to maintain the balance and order of things. She even offered you a chance to leave this destructive path behind. Last you saw of her, she was drifting away on your ship as a frozen statue.

And last but certainly not least, you recalled elder oyster. The one that had gotten you into this whole mess in the first place. She had recognized you were not fit for her house, so she attempted to pawn you off to caviar as a gesture of goodwill to the both of you. And look how you repaid that favor.

You had returned from seemingly dying to kidnap oyster and take her away to Black Pearl. There, Black Pearl tormented her day in, day out for who knows how long. Then, you had returned to the republic one last time to destroy it all and leave nothing left. And when Oyster broke free, she had rightfully attempted to destroy you and black pearl. And all this rightful anger and frustration was rewarded with a quick death at your hands, sending her to the endless abyss of the sea.

Everyone who thought you could be something great, Everyone who had originally placed any sort of trust in you, you had turned your back on them all. It was not without reason but... you felt guilty when given this deep moment of introspection. It was cowardly in a way, to forsake everything you had before that fateful expedition with Caviar and for what, just so you wouldn't be killed?  It was most certainly a massive gamble to do this, even now. Black Pearl could just end you at any moment, especially since your uses to her had largely dried up. All this deception, all these lies, all these betrayals... What good was it to you if your fate was outside of your control?

But it seemed that against all odds, fate would not let you die just yet. After a long hard look at yourself, you finally open your eyes slowly. It had been several days since the battle. It was hard to hear, but you could make out Black Pearl murmuring something in the other room. You utter a groan, as it was not exactly comfortable where you were. 

In an instant, black pearl looks in and you two look eyes. You weakly ask with a dry cough "Mistress? Wh-what happened?" Black Pearl merely wordless approached you, and when she got close enough she hugged you. It hurt a little, especially considering her intense grip. In the midst of the surprise of it, you could swear you heard her crying a little. "You're alive... I was so worried that you wouldn't make it..." She softly spoke, burying her head into your shoulder. You could only manage to say "I... missed you too." As you hugged her as well.

Black Pearl pulls away from the hug and takes a seat at the end of the bed. "To answer your question: What happened was that we destroyed our enemies. That liar, Oyster, is now one with the abyss. Personally, I'm satisfied that she got what she deserved." She informs you, her tail unconsciously reacting to the sheer glee she felt. You smile and say "Heh. Ain't that the truth? And what of her helpers?" "Gone. But They are not an issue. Not anymore." Black Pearl replies, carefully caressing your injured face.

"What about the sea fairy? Last I saw, she's on ice for a while." You inquired, wanting to know the ultimate fate of the legend. Black Pearl merely chuckles and says " Oh, don't you worry Tool. I've got a special plan for that wench. She'll be on our side soon enough. You've already done enough for me, it's only fair you get to properly rest a little." You immediately pipe up with "Are you sure I've done enough? There's always something I can do." Black Pearl just simply leans in close and whispers "You've saved me from certain death at the hands of my most hated enemy, and you nearly died yourself because of it. I think your deserve a rest even if you think you don't need one."

And with that, she slyly makes her way into your mouth for another kiss. While you did most certainly enjoy this kiss like all the other ones, you felt slightly guilty about it. That introspection while you were unconscious still hung heavily in your mind, and it was likely going to be that way for the rest of your days. But, you figured that with a life like this you could learn to live with the things you'd done. So, you just embraced Black Pearl as the two you passionately enjoyed one another's company.


In Amsterdam, there lived a maid
Mark well what I do say!
In Amsterdam, there lives a maid
And she was mistress of her trade.
I'll go no more a-roving with you fair maid

A-roving, A-roving!
Since roving's been my ru-i-in.
I'll go no more a-roving
With you fair maid!

I asked this maid to take a walk
Mark well what I do Say!
I asked this maid out for a walk
So we might have some Private talk.
I'll go no more a-roving with you fair maid.

A-roving, A-roving!
Since roving's been my ru-i-in.
I'll go no more a-roving
With you fair maid!


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