Chapter 10 - Grief

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(Oana's POV)

I jumped awake at the sound of something falling. I pulled out my dagger and threw it wherever the sound was. The dagger pierced the wall as Gadget jumped at the sudden blade. The blade only brushed his cheek by a hair. Our eyes were wide as I started feeling instant regret. I ran up to him, gripping his shoulders. "I am so sorry! I did not know it was you! I thought it was something or someone else! I am very sorry!" I apologized, almost shaking him back and forth.

"N-No worries, Oana," Gadget said with an aftershock and some strain. I was curious about his sudden change of voice. Has he not grown into a biological man's body? My answer was given to me as he asked, "C-Can you let go of my arms?"

I looked down to see my hands gripping his arms tightly. I quickly let out of his arms, along with a few steps backward. "Once more, I am very sorry. I do not know what is wrong with me," I apologized as looked down at my hands. They were shaking like a falling leaf. I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling uneasy as if I was feeling sick. Gadget took a few steps forward before hugging me in his embrace.

"I know what happened. I'm sorry for your loss," he mumbled into my shoulder. I felt water build in my eyes. I let them fall as I hugged the little wolf back. The feeling of overwhelming sadness couldn't go away. I hated it. Grief was an emotion I have seen others express, but nothing could have prepared me for this. Then I thought of the mentioned files about the Phantom Ruby. Is it the ruby the jackal possesses? I hummed as the little wolf backed away.

"Something wrong?" He asked. I pulled out the chip with the files. I tossed the chip in my hand, deciding on what to do. I grabbed onto the chip before I started walking out of the room. Gadget followed behind as I started to jog around the base for a specific two-tailed fox.

I soon spot him in the cafeteria. "Little fox?" I called out as I slowed down a bit. Gadget almost fell to the floor gasping for air. "How. Do you. Run. Like that. For that. Long. Without. Needing. Air," the wolf asked me in between gasps. "Training. A lot of training. We will start with breath control whenever we start training together," I answered as Tails walked up to me. "Yes, Oana? Need anything?"

I held out the chip to him. "When Gadget and I were in space, I was looking for Sonic when I found some files. One of my home, another about someone or something named Zero, and a gem." The little fox took the chip from my hands, examining the chip. "I think it may help us know what cards the doctor is playing." Tails smiled at me and was about to say something but his watch beeped. "Tails? Come to the strategy room. I have a mission for you." I rolled my eyes and shook my head as I heard the enchina's voice from the device. "Got it! On my way!" Tails replied before starting to run off.

But before he did, he turned to me and thanked me for my help in finding important information he needed. I smiled as I watched him run to the red enchina. I let out a sigh as my smile fell. I rubbed my face with my hand, trying to get rid of grief. We are at war with something that could harm and end all of us. But Mother is gone. She is not by my side anymore. I wrapped my arms around myself.

I need to go home. My people must know what has happened to their chief. She needs a proper goodbye.

I slowly walked to the strategy room and waited outside. After the meeting was over, I walked in. The echidna noticed me and walked up to me. "Good morning, Oana. Are...Are you okay?" I gave him a look. He puts his hands in the air in defense. "I'm just wondering. But, in full honesty, are you good?" I couldn't speak any words. All I could do was shake my head. The echidna was quiet. He did not know what to do but pat my shoulder.

I soon brushed his hand off and stood up straight. "I would like a request." The echidna held a look of curiosity and questioning. With his continued silence, I took in a breath before speaking. "I would like to go home. My people need to know what happened. I would like to bring all of my people from your base back home." The echidna thought for a moment. I know it would mean the resistance would be smaller, but if they were to hold off the doctor for all these months, I believe they would be well.

"You can go," the echidna said with a bit of hesitation. I nodded, thankful for his permission to leave. As I turned around to leave, the echidna stopped me. "Let me help you gather your people," he offered as he walked up to a mic and made the little red dot glow. "Attention to Gaia's people," he started. "Your bravest warrior, Oana, daughter of your previous chief is going to take you home. Give your chief a proper goodbye. Be safe and sorry for your loss."

I smiled at the echidna as he set the mic down. I turned to walk for the door but stopped myself. "Thank you," I said as the door opened for me. I took a step out before adding, "Knuckles the Echidna." I ran to my room to grab the rest of my things. As I did, Gadget walked in.

"Is it true?" He asked. I did not need context to know what he was asking for. I nodded as he walked up to me. I looked down at him as he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. With a sigh, I opened my arms to him. He did not wait a second later to wrap his arms around me. We embrace each other in a hug for a moment. It was nice. A sense of warmth, safety, and liking. We soon broke as we heard a knock. I looked up to see one of my people, a young black otter. "Chieftess. We must be going." I nodded. "Thank you, Breezy. I will be out in a moment." The otter nodded before using her gift and ran outside to meet with the others.

I looked down at my bed to see Mother's crown peacefully sitting upon a pillow at the center of the bed. I gently reached out to grab it. It has fallen off Mother's head before, but there is a sense to be gentle about it. I held it tight in my hands but not tight enough to cause any damage to the decorated headpiece. With a final sigh, I waved Gadget goodbye before using my gift and running outside.


Once my people and I were back home, the other villagers were happy to see us. But once they saw what was in my hands, the grief and sadness grew overwhelming. Everyone gathered around me, placing a hand on each other shoulders as 6 touched mine. We held a long moment of silence for our loss before breaking apart, knowing what to do.

Everyone started collecting their candles on their windows, preparing food, and some easy and quick elegant clothing. I held onto Mother's crown as I entered my home. A wise tree near the center of the village. The tree that protected our ancestors. Where our goddess greeted herself to us for the first time. I entered the tree, walked up the stairs, and gazed upon many pictures of Mother and me in the past. The time I got my first bow for my 6th birthday. The time I got to ride on a wild ruttle when I was 8. I smiled as I viewed more memories. The time I made a necklace for Mother on her birthday. The time when she tried to teach me how to cook when I was 13. I let out a laugh as I gazed upon the time when I was 12 when I screamed for my life jumping into the water to catch a stupid salmon.

Then, at the top of the stairs, I climbed to my room at the highest peak of the tree. A small window peaked down at the villagers down below. I looked to see some children running around with heavy baskets of bread, flowers, and decorations. I jumped onto my hammock, held the crown close to me, and let myself cry. Cry in peace. Alone. Where no one can see me as vulnerable as I was feeling at the moment I lost her.

"I miss you, Mother."

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