Chapter 8 - Rage

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(Infinite's POV)

I dodged from the blast. I felt my mask move a bit. I quickly adjusted it to my liking before looking at the cause the robot made. My eyes widened a bit as the scene unfolded. The warrior, Oana, the daughter of Chief Io, was watching her mother vanish into little balls of light. Little balls of warm yellow light gave into an illusion of fireflies. She flew into the night as her crown was the only item left of her existence fell to the ground.

I felt my chest hardened as my vision began to blur. I know this feeling all too well. Sadness. Sorrow. Grief. An emotion I've never gotten over. But why here? Why now? I looked back at the other green hedgehog. She was still. Her fingers gripped onto the dirt below. Her knuckles turned a pale green, almost white. I heard soft sobs from the young woman.

I reactivated my power from the ruby and floated above the ground. "Ah! The pain of grief! An awful emotion for one to carry. Such a shame. You never said goodbye."

Her knuckles relaxed as her body glowed green, as I had seen before with our previous encounters. This time, it was different. She was different. Something was wrong. Her green glow turned orange. Suddenly, she attacked me. She lashed her claws at me left and right, not leaving me any room to block or dodge. All I could do was back away from her attacks. I have failed to not be injured. With her grunts and cries as she attacked in her power, I could sense her grief. Her sadness. And most of all, rage.

Rage is a powerful emotion. But one has to control it to be strong. She has no control. Her emotions were in the way. Blinding her. She sees me as a monster. A threat. A thing that made her mother vanish.

Finally, I landed a kick to her stomach. She rolled in the dirt for a second before jumping on all fours. She growled as I panted out of breath. She was fast, I can admit. I looked around, seeing if there was anything I could use. But my eyes landed on something...special. Her spear. Her spear was in her hands. She used her orange glow to dash toward me, pinning me into the dirt. I felt my mask move as the sudden force of movement stopped.

Fear finally settled within me as I held onto her spear. Her teeth shone brightly as the fire around us burned. I tried pushing her off of me, but she was too strong. Too emotional. Too rageful. Out of fear, I closed my eyes, the world around me going black. My heart pounded against my chest rapidly. My breath was quick and hard, making my lungs burn. But the weight that was pinned me down loosened.

I looked up to see the green hedgehog not glowing anymore. Just her looking at me. It felt like the world had slowed down as I looked at her features. I have seen them many times before, but never without her mask off. I have seen her two-colored eyes before, but never have I seen them compliment her painted face. Black paint decorated her well. Her eyes held onto me. I soon felt my chest grow warm and my heart rate increased to the same speed it was when I was afraid. I do feel afraid, but not in this way. What is this feeling? What has she done to me?

Her brows furrowed, realizing what she had done to me, and quickly backed away from me. She had let go of her spear, leaving it in my hands. I could take this chance. I should take this chance. I sat myself up from the ground to see her looking at her hands, seeing my blood colliding with her skin. She looked back at me, not in rage. But with guilt. She...felt sorry?

The warm feeling in my chest grew warmer. I looked down at the spear and back at her. She was injured, yes, but she has also experienced a loss. I looked down at the spear. My grip tightened. I should not leave her alive! But I shouldn't leave empty-handed. With a hard grunt, I dropped the spear. The green hedgehog looked at me in surprise. I activated the ruby once more and flew away, not looking back.


(Oana's POV)

Sonic rushed to my side. "Hey! Are you alright? What happened back there? What happened to your mom?" He asked question after question. My mind was racing through many thoughts as my body froze. Help arrived to attend to the injured and help comfort the ones who were lost. I sat away from the others while looking down at Mother's crown and my mask.

They were different. My mother's crown showed elegance and beauty. While my mask showed bravery and damage. My mask was now cracked at the lower left chin. A chip of the wood had been lost in the dirt as I fought the jackal. I thought back to that fight. Something happened to me. Something I have feared. Something Mother wanted me to control. I was full of rage. I was inflamed. I attacked Infinite. I was close to ending him. To end this war right there. But I didn't.

In that fit of rage, I kept thinking that he was a monster. A machine. An emotionless creature who cares for no one. But, he was no machine. He was a living being. Flesh and bone. And he showed fear to me. And something else. I backed away before anything happened. And like a child, I left my spear with him. I thought he would end me there with my weapon. Ending me in my foolery. But he didn't. He dropped it and left. Not a single word left his mouth. Not even a slight glance.

Soon, Sonic told me we were heading back to base. I followed him without another word. By his unspoken nature, I could tell he was concerned but did not say anything.

I held onto Mother's crown as we rode a shuttle back to base. Once we arrived, I could see some of the resistance being helped by my people. It made me happy to see us bonding the alliance well. As I walked by, my people smiled to see me alive and well, but their faces fell when they saw what was in my hand. They now know. They needed to know. They slowly gathered around me and placed a hand on my shoulder before expanding to one another. I let a single tear roll down my cheek. My hands were shaking. My people soon let me go, and I was able to peacefully walk away from them.

They know my pain. They know my life. So, they let me be.

I walked to my room and locked the door behind me. As soon as I heard the click of the door, I dropped to the floor. Sadness overwhelmed me. I pulled my legs to my chest as my sobs filled the room.

I am alone.

I am the last one.

Illusions (Infinite x Oc) DISCONTINUEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ