Chapter 17 - Distractions

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(Infinite's POV)

Watching the city fall under my power makes me feel satisfaction. But there was something else. Something was...missing. Ever since I last saw the green hedgehog, I felt myself returning to my sanity, but this strange feeling grew at the slightest mention of her people. It was something I was not common with. This feeling of something missing makes me frustrated. Lost. As if I was left astray, left to gather my resources to survive.

The sounds of the doctor's toys breaking caught my attention. I looked over to see the 3 fearful rookies from a few weeks ago. Then, my eyes caught something that flashed green. As it stopped, my chest tightened at the sight of the familiar green hedgehog. The scene at the lake flashed through my mind. The way she held my face. Her gentle touch. She could've killed me right then and there, but she didn't. She showed mercy. Empathy.

I felt my hand move on its own. Moving toward the edge of my mask, itching to touch my mouth. I shook my head in frustration. I cannot fall for the green hedgehog's trick. It has to be a trick. It has to be! We are enemies. We cannot create a bond of those sorts just to throw it away in the end. The doctor's plan is almost in action. On that day, everyone will be gone. The resistance will be gone. The blue hedgehog and his friends will be gone.

She...will be gone. I felt my chest tighten at the thought of her gone. Gone from existence. Away from me. I shook my head again. I need to stay on track. I have a favor to fulfill.

I looked back down at my enemies, watching them fall into failure. My eyes caught her and the fearful children fighting against the doctor's robots. The way she fights seems interesting to me. I could use her teachings against her. I continued to watch from afar until I noticed there was something different about her. More confidence. More strength. I couldn't place my finger on it. As much as it antagonized me, it fed my curiosity. Causing it to grow painfully fast.

I started to feel at ease. Watching her survive my illusions and succeeding to survive graciously. I hummed peacefully.

"Infinite!" I heard the doctor yell for my attention. I tapped a spot between my left ear and responded. "Yes?"

"Where are you? Are you in position?"

"Yes," I groaned. "I have been."

"Great! Let's show them what the Phantom Ruby can really do!" The doctor laughed loudly as I quickly hung up. I stood up to my feet and brushed off any rumble or dust on my fur. Questions entered my mind at the topic at hand. Who will give me a real challenge?

As I mumbled that to myself, I heard a pair of footsteps. I looked over my shoulder to see the red wolf rookie alone. He stopped walking as he spotted me. I chuckled to myself amusingly. "And as if to answer, the world sends me a trembling child."

I activated the ruby to teleport in front of the scared child, but before I could, something struck the side of my mask. The force of the attack wasn't strong enough to knock me to my knees, but it had nudged my mask out of place. I slowly adjusted my mask to its original position and looked toward the wolf child to see her. She was standing in front of him like a shield. I could see her face clearly now. She changed her painting style on her face. Black tears rolled down her cheeks. Black paint covered the tip of her forehead to her eyes. 3 white Vs taking the shape of a simple crown from the break between her eyes, leading to her forehead. The line crossing her forehead to her chin stayed the same. She held her bow strongly. The string held back with a glowing green arrow, waiting to be released. She glares at me with the expression of slight anger. But beneath it, her eyes held empathy and hesitation.

I glared back, using the ruby to allow my figure to levitate off the ground - my gaze never leaving hers. "Are you going to fight and die here? Or run away in fear?"

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