Chapter 3 - Hide

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(Oana's POV)

I quickly sealed the cover for the training pit before enhancing my figure and ran through the village. Double checking if my people need any help hiding. I came to a stop. No one is in danger. With a small huff, I ran up a tree, grabbed my hidden bow, and hid.

Everything was silent. Only the soft breeze of the wind was heard. I leaned my ear against the tree, to see if the doctor was close. After a few seconds, I heard the heavy metal collide with the earth. I looked up, searching for a higher ground with more hidden spaces. Before I could start climbing, my ear flicked to a sudden whisper and gribbled. I look over to see Ammia running out after her pet miggel, Miki.

I gasped at her sudden opening. Without thinking, I enhanced my figure and ran to her. I grabbed her as she held onto her miggel and slid into the closest bush that was big enough to hide us. I held her close as she held tight onto Miki. I shushed in her ear. She nodded and covered her mouth with her hand. With a final sigh, I pulled out my bow with a robotic arrow at the ready.

He is here.


(Dr. Eggman's POV)

"Blasted trees and nature!" I yelled in frustration as I watched my robots march through the forest, cutting whatever was in their way. "If that little rodent had agreed to my offer, I would be ruling the world right now! Why do these little pests have to ruin everything!?"

"Maybe you could try a different approach?" Orbot suggested calming, knowing how angered I was. "Make them see you as a trustworthy leader, perhaps?"

"Why not make them some cookies!? They do know what cookies are, right?" Cubot added, making me mad.

"We are not making cookies for the enemy! They made their choice! There is no way they will trust me as I will never trust them!" I groaned as my robots marched into an opening. "Robots! Search the area! Look for that blasted village!" I demanded. But as soon as my robots were warming up their sensors, arrows were shot and broke their cameras! I felt the heat grow on my face as I got more fuming than before.


(Infinite's POV)

I sighed at the sight of the doctor turning red and hearing him lash out at his little companions. I flew to the center of the small opening. I landed softly onto the healthy grass before slowly glancing around the area.

The trees looked normal, untouched. The earth looked mattered. Possibility could be the cause of the many strange creatures in this place.

Strange that a place like this lives on this forsaken planet.

I continued to roam the area, looking at every little detail there was to this opening. Any signs of a civilization. But nothing was found interesting or odd. These people are something else. They know what they are doing. We must be careful with their kind.

"Infinite!" I heard the doctor yell out. "Return! We're heading back to my lab! There's not a single molecule of their existence here!"

I let out a soft sigh and started flying toward the doctor, following him back to his lab. But before I followed him, I turned my back around, glancing over the area again, to see if there were any differences. Any signs. Any at all.

As it felt like eyes were watching me closely, I was met with silence.

I shook my head before catching up with the doctor.

I need to find them.

I need to find her.


(Oana's POV)

I stood my guard until I heard the faintest whistle from above me. I looked up to see a black bat giving me a nod. I nodded back as I let out a sigh of relief. I put my bow behind my back, picked up Ammia, and walked out into the open.

"Clear," I say softly but loud enough for my people to hear. Everyone climbed out of their hiding spots and started rebuilding our village with ease. Soon, I spotted Ammia's family as they started running toward me. I kneeled to the ground to set her down. She had her eyes closed, squeezing tightly onto her miggel. I removed my mask with a soft smile. I placed my hand on her cheek, making her open her eyes. Her eyes showed fear. Tears wanting to escape. I smiled at her and hugged her, caressing the back of her head before breaking away to place my forehead on hers. "Your family is here," I whispered as I stood up and the said family slowed their speed.

Ammia turned around before quickly running into their arms. My smile stayed as the family thanked me for helping their daughter hide. "It is a time of fear. We must stay strong and brave to finish this war. We are the people of the goddess. We will not fall," I said before placing the palm of my hands on my chest, crossed. The family did the same in return. "May the goddess give you strength."

"As to you, Oana," the father of the family answered before turning away, hugging his daughter once more.

I let out a sigh as I let my smile fall. My ear flicked at the sound of footsteps. I looked over my back to see the echidna and his companions. I faced him as he examined my face. I reached for my bow and pushed it into the dirt. The echidna looked at me confused but didn't say anything. I removed my armored glove from my right before reaching it out to him.

My eyes looked down at my opened hand. It was covered in dried mud with some black paint stripes surrounding my wrists. I closed my eyes, not moving my hand. "If I agree to this alliance, we have to work together in our strengths. I will not be tolerating any forced usage of my home as we will to yours. Am I clear?"

The echidna nodded as he slowly took off his gloves and reached his hand out. As soon as we made contact, he said, "For our home?"

I smiled at his words as I shook our hands.

"For our home."

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