Week With Superman: ...Crap -Chapter 6

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heyo! So this story should be now updating either weekly or bi-weekly. Hopefully Bloody and I should be able to keep up with ya'll. We're trying to get two or three chapters ahead so that we should be able to now post regularly!

Also so there is no confusion: Chat names so far and in this chapter!

Danny - GhostBoi
Sam - GothGirl
Tucker - TechnoGeek
Val - TheBestRed

JL: They either named themselves or members of the team -Berry, Oliver, Hal- named them XD

Superman - StronkMan
Batman - Spooky
Flash - NyooOOM
Green Arrow -TheBestGreen
Wonderwoman - Princess
Martian Manhunter - ET
Captain Marvel (Shazam) - cpt.sparkles
Green Lantern -Limelight


Clark rubbed his hand down his face with a sigh, doing a lap around Metropolis often helped the Kryptonian clear his mind. The wind flowing through his cape and the sounds of his city was so much more vibrant and welcoming when he flew above. There's less traffic, less yelling, and just peace.

Clark spared a glance back at his apartment, he used his thermal vision to peek into the room that the dead teen he was taking care of was staying in. He felt a shiver run down his spine as he keyed in on the strangely cold signature rather than a heated one. Phantom's body is made of a cool substance, just barely below room temperature surrounding an orb that had to be colder than ice, and it was giving off a freezing aura, while simultaneously sucking in heat from the surrounding areas.

It was unsettling.

Sure he could tell if someone was Kryptonian by the heat their body gave off, each signature different depending on the amount of sun they absorb. Or how Martian Manhunter changes temperature with the rooms he is in to adapt. But he has never seen anything quite like this.

Clark had never really been good with kids, sure he had met dozens of them in his superheroing efforts but ever since he was a kid, especially being brought up homeschooled, he has always had a way easier time talking to adults. And for him, teenagers seemed to be the hardest. Even just the few times he talked with... Kon-El... it had been hard to even carry a conversation. Phantom seemed a little similar, all the same sass and brashness that often came with teenagers, maybe they would get along?

Clark looked up into the atmosphere and groaned, mind mulling over the dinner and the strange questions he had asked the kid, why not go for the normal stuff like- What's your favorite color? Do you play sports? Do ghosts have sports? Is there like a dead sports team? Would they have- Clark groaned again, he can't even have a normal mental conversation with Phantom in his mind, how is he supposed to have a regular one?

Clark heard the ping from his League communicator and pulled it out. It was a message from Flash, to the group chat. Or as Oliver named it, "Power of Friendship". These communicators ended up being used more as regular phones than anything since Batman upgraded them all. These things should be used for emergencies or meeting plans only. Clark sighed and clicked open the message.

NyooOOM: sup supes how are things with the frosty the dead teen?

Princess: You mean Phantom?

NyooOOM: Yes, thats what I said wasnt it?

ET: No, you clearly stated: "frosty the dead teen".


NyooOOM: just never mind.

NyooOOM: hows Phantom holding out?

NyooOOM: he try to run away from u yet?

StronkMan: No he has not.

NyooOOM: Dang judging from the way taht he had been trying to get out of our grasps before you think he would have tried something by now.

StronkMan: I don't think so, he seems like a good kid.

NyooOOM: Being a good kid dosent equal to not running away supes

StronkMan: Well, he is fine at my place.


Just to prove it to himself, and to inwardly prove Flash wrong, he looks back to the apartment... Phantom was gone... Crap.


StronkMan: I'll be right back with you

NyooOOM: HAHAHAHHAHJAH he totally lost him!

NyooOOM: guys we need a running bet going on who can keep the dead teen in one place the longest.

BestGreenGuy: I second that

Princess: I would like that challenge.



Again 'BloodyBecauseYes' is once again amazingggggggg! I love you so much! You should go check them out! So glad they were able to help me get back into this and we should be keeping each other on a somewhat schedule now so once again we will try and get a 600-1000 word update out every week or every other week!

Love you all! Stay happy stay safe and have a good week! <3

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