In a moment of panic, the driver lowered his hands in fright, but he never got the chance to understand his mistake as a laser bolt pierced the windscreen and through his skull, killing him instantly.

The two didn't spare the two bodies any attention as the Kriegsmen stared at each other before nodding and looking towards the courthouse. 

"Is it time?" The Kriegsman with the rifle asked in a muffled, monotone voice. 

The Krieg with the shovel was about to reply when a constant muffled rumble could be heard in every direction, like thunder, followed by faint vibrations in the ground.

"Yes, 5-4-3-9, it's time," His face couldn't be seen, but the bland excitement could be heard. 

Anyone could tell he was smiling. Even Kriegsmen could smile, it would seem.

"I am happy? Are those our big guns, 2-3-1-5? They sound more beautiful now than they did in field testing."

"Because this time... They bring only death."

"Yes, happiness. Let's enjoy their soothing sound a little longer," Both Kriegsmen sat on the bonnet of the dead man's car and listened quietly, watching the uncountable flashes in the distance, wondering how many of their enemies were being vaporised at that very moment.

Those two Kriegers may have been content and 'happy' at what was happening, but everyone in this minor static city started noticing the noise and flashes. The unmistakable sounds of explosions were far off in the distance and were targeting another city, but how? and why?

People were starting to leave their houses to watch the scene with concerned and fearful faces. The civilians began pushing their children away and dragging them back home no matter how much they wanted to watch.

As people pointed and stared at the scene between the rolling hills and mountains in the distance, many had multiple ideas about what was happening.

"Is that a catastrophe!?" 

"Mafia families and their petty turf wars!" 

"Another Oripathy mine explosion?"

"It has to be a catastrophe!"

"What's in that direction?"

"Where's the Catastrophe sirens!?"

"Idiot! The city Palermo is over there!"


"Palermo Medical Academy is in that direction!"

More and more people left their homes and businesses, crowding the streets to see the commotion. Fear and curiosity were the primary emotions held by these people, mostly Lupo and Vulpo.

The two Kriegsmen could only shake in delight at the bizarre excuses for what was happening. Part of them wanted to stand up and announce to everyone the city of Palermo was currently being flattened without a shred of hesitation. 

They were not sadists or cruel. They wouldn't actively seek to kill innocent people or shoot children, but they had their duty to do so, and only death would stop it.

Palermo was only the beginning.

The two Kriegsmen walked away from the crowding streets and away from the scene, surprised none had noticed the dead body of a Mafia leader next to the car yet.

"What's that?" 

"Ah! Dead body!


"You two, with the helmets... Halt!"

Ex-Doctor Of Rhodes IslandWhere stories live. Discover now