Origins pt1: Stoneheart

Start from the beginning

Marinette stands at the sidewalk next to their bakery, which is also their home, waiting for the light to turn green. But suddenly she notices that an old man is trying to cross on the other side. Just at this time, a car approaches him. Seeing this, the girl immediately runs to the man's side and quickly pulls him to the other side of the street before they can hit him. In the meantime, unfortunately, she drops the macaron box.

"Thank you miss!" then he notices the box on the ground, from which half of the macarons have already fallen out. "Oh, what a disaster!"

People step on the macarons without even noticing before Marinette can grab them. "Don't worry sir, disasters are not far from me, and I have a few more." The man takes out one of the remaining macarons and tastes it. "Mmm, delicious!"

Suddenly, she hears the bell of the Francoise Dupant school, which is located on the other side of the sidewalk, ring. "Oh no, I'm going to be late! Good day sir!" then she starts running towards the school.

The old man looks down at his hand, which holds a small black box with a strange red pattern. "Thank you very much young lady." he smiles to himself and then heads to the bakery.


Meanwhile, in the Agreste castle, two young twins are hastily getting ready. Both twins pack their school supplies into their bags as quickly as possible so they can leave as soon as possible.

"Hurry up Adrien! Nathalie's coming to check on us in less than ten minutes!" the blonde haired girl calls out to her twin as she enters his room. "One minute and I'm done," says the other blonde.

The two siblings came up with a plan to go to school without their father knowing, as he wouldn't let them. For the stupid reason that "it's dangerous out there" and that "you have everything at home". The twins were already bored with this, so they definitely wanted to get rid of it. They don't even have friends because of this confinement.

Although this was not always the case. Their father had turned so cold-hearted since their mother disappeared.

Adrien quickly put the remaining notebooks away and quickly ran to his sister's side. The Agreste girl grabbed her brother's hand and they started running towards the door of the house. They had to hurry or Nathalie and their bodyguard would catch them. They quickly ran out the door, then through the gate of the castle and headed towards the school, which was the Francoise Dupant.


Arriving at the school, Marinette quickly runs towards her classroom. She quickly burst into the room, but to her surprise, there weren't many people there yet. A red-haired young woman is standing in front of the teacher's desk. Probably their class teacher.

"Nino, why don't you take a seat in the front row this year?" asked the red-haired woman. Nino grunted a little, then he grabbed his bag and walked to the front row. Meanwhile, Marinette sat in the row behind him.

Suddenly, a hand slammed down on the blue-haired girl's desk. "Marinette Dupain-Cheng!" said a blonde haired girl. "Ugh. Here we go again," the girl sighed in frustration. "This is my place," the blonde girl declared. "But Chloe, this has always been my place."

Then another girl, who suddenly appeared next to her on the bench, spoke: "Not this time! New school, new year, new places!" the girl who spoke was Sabrina. Chloe's best friend, or rather just a servant to Chloe. She had red hair and glasses.

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