Say The Word

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Rick isn't really sure of what's going on around him, he can faintly hear the sound of a baby crying somewhere behind him and then he can see his husband's face come into focus in front of him. He can see that Daryl is trying to say something but for some reason the words aren't making it through.

Daryl stays crouched in front of Rick for a few seconds longer, about to reach a hand out to place it on the other man's shoulder when he notices Carl move over to take the baby from Maggie.

"Let me see the baby." Hershel told them all, he was the only one that was actually about to look over the baby and have even a small clue as to if anything was wrong with them.

"What are we gonna feed it?" Daryl asked as he followed Carl over to the older man. "We ain't got anything a baby can eat."

Carl stops right in front of Hershel and holds the baby in a way that meant Hershel could get a quick but good look at them without Carl having to let them go.

"Good thing is she looks healthy." Hershel told them and Daryl was sure everyone felt a small amount of relief at that. "But she will need formula. And she'll need it soon, or she won't survive."

"No, not her." Daryl said with a small shack of his head. This baby was his niece and with Lori gone he knew that he and Rick would be the ones looking after her.

He wasn't going to lose another member of his family, he just couldn't and he knew Rick couldn't and he knew his son couldn't.

"I'm going for a run." Daryl told everyone as he slung his crossbow over his shoulder again. He knew Rick wouldn't be happy with him going out there without but right now his husband was in no fit state do be doing anything and Daryl had to do something, anything to help.

He did look over at his husband for a second, seeing that Rick was in the exact same spot he had been when he had moved away from him only a minute or two ago. With Rick like that Daryl didn't know how long it would be till he moved.

"I'll back you up." Maggie spoke up, she had been the one to deliver that baby and while she knew it was the only way, the way Lori wanted she still felt responsible for killing Lori. She needed to do whatever she could to make Lori's sacrifice worth something, she needed to make sure that the baby survived.

"I'll go, too." Glenn added, he wasn't ready to let Maggie out of his sight. He had been so worried they had lost her and he needed to stay by her for his own sake.

"Okay." Daryl knew he could use the help right now, no one had gone out on a hunt or for supplies since they had gotten to the prison, they didn't know what was around it or what they could be dealing with. He wasn't going to turn down any help. "I think I know where to go."

Daryl hesitated for a second as he looked around before he said, "Beth." He gestured for her to follow him a little away from the group. He needed to make sure his kid was going to be okay but he knew how annoyed Carl would be if he heard Daryl asking someone to keep an eye on. "Kid just lost his aunt, right in front of him. And his dad, Rick ain't doing too hot."

"I'll look out for him." Beth assured Daryl before he could even finish his sentence.

Daryl gave her a small appreciative look before he started giving everyone else staying at the prison orders, this would normally be Rick's job but.....

The three of them are about to leave when Rick finally moves, only all he does is move forward grab the axe that had been sitting on the floor before turning back around and making his way back into the prison.

Daryl watches as it happens before he walks forward to pull his son away from the rest of the group, shouting back for Glenn and Maggie to get the car ready as he does so.

Our luck Seems To Have Ran Out ! RickylWhere stories live. Discover now