Yang stares daggers at Raven and then to Vernal before rolling her eyes.

Yang: "Well, I see you didn't wait long to correct a few of them."

The bandit woman lightly composes herself before replying back.

Raven: "And now I want to correct a few more. You belong here."

Y/N #2: "Well, that sounds very convincing."

Vernal glare at Y/N but, he isn't disturbed by it as Raven sigh as she continues.

Raven: "How many times have you fallen to the bottom and crawled your way back out? How strong have you become as a result of it? You're more than worthy to join my tribe, no question asked. You're my daughter, Yang. You belong here, beside me, and that spot is still vacant." 

Beside her, Vernal watches her mother speak to Yang as the bandit girl poorly hide the dread in her face. Something Y/N and Weiss notice as they share a quick glance with one another.

Y/N #2: ("This whole conversation sounds.... disturbingly similar to my previous exchange with... Salem.")

Raven: "I want you to consider it, Yang. You could do whatever you want, take whatever you please, and you'll have a real mom that's willing to show you how to live in the 'real' world." 

Yang quietly seethes at Raven before eventually replying.

Yang: "No... you're just a bandit and a murderer. I already have a mom. A super mom. And her name is Summer Rose."

Y/N, Weiss, and Neo smiles at Yang's response, especially Y/N as he's glad that she views Summer as her true mother, while recalling his brief encounter with her. 

Y/N #2: ("Summer Rose... I know it's a little late but... thank you... for saving me from Salem...")

Suddenly, Raven stabs her blade, Omen into the floor, snarling back.

Raven: "Summer was an ideological idiot who ran off and got herself killed. She wasn't your mother and she only taught you about fairy tales."

Yang just scoffs at this.

Yang: "Still a better mom than you ever were."

Raven: "I never had a chance to be your mother."

Y/N just scoffs at her remark.

Y/N #2: "Really?" 

Raven: "What does that-?"

Yang: "I know all about your semblance from Dad and Y/N."

Y/N #2: "You pretty much show it to her when you made her punch herself."

Yang proceeds further in her speaking. 

Yang: "No birthdays, no anniversaries, no graduations. The one time I've met you, the one time was when I was lying half-dead on a train car floor and that was barely what you would call in passing! Summer-!"

Raven cuts off the now red-eyed Yang off and corrects her.

Raven: "Summer swallowed every lie that fell into her lap, ran off ill-prepared like she was going to save the world from the evils that lurk in the dark and where did it get her? Buried in a ditch in the middle of nowhere with nothing but, a decorative rock to her name. No birthdays, no anniversaries, no graduations. You're wrong, Yang. She wasn't a better mom than me, she'd had to be alive to do that."

This prolonged remark of hers makes Y/N, Weiss, and even Neo quite stunned as the wide-eyed and still red-eyed Yang slams her fist on the table, breaking it in two and shouts back at her with Y/N joining in. 

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