Chapter 32

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A few minutes ago, Leafy had woken up.

In the last few days she had grown to hate opening her eyes because when she did, she was reminded that she was tied up in a damp warehouse with no idea of where she was.

She saw a rat run across the floor, it stopped around half way and looked at her, it's small nose and beady eyes glistening in the cold air.

"Hey," she murmured.

In response, the rat ran away.

She sighed deeply as she gazed up at the ceiling, her head grey and fuzzy as it usually was lately due to lack of food or proper rest .

There were no thoughts, she simply looked around her with dull eyes and a headache.

She was glad Grove couldn't see her right now, she was a wreck and she probably would have scared him.


The thought of his little grin and fluffy hair brought a weak smile to her face as she remembered how sweet his laughter was and how warm he felt when he was all snuggled up with his teddies.

What would happen to Grove if something happened to her here?

She had never actually given it serious thought and there were no official guardians for him to go to.

Yes, Firey was his father but not legally, there were no documents showing proof Grove was his kid.

Maybe he'd go to Pin and Coiny since they often took care of him anyway.

She couldn't stand the idea that she wouldn't get to see him grow up and that thought alone made her all the more determined to get out of this hell hole.

Was Firey going to come looking for her? Or was that just completely impossible?

How would he even know where she was?

Her mind had been doing this the whole time she had been here, constantly switching between determination to escape or just giving up entirely.

She let her muscles relax as she slid against the pipe slightly, her head aching from all of the stress.

She wondered if anyone had noticed she was gone, if anyone had started to search.

Was there even a chance anyone would find her ?

She just wanted to get out of here, to hold Grove in her arms again and just forget everything that had happened lately.

She wanted to go back to her usual routine without any worry or uncertainty, she wanted her life back.

And yet, despite everything, she still wanted Firey.

She wanted him to hold her close and kiss all the fear and pain away, she wanted him to tell her he wasn't going to leave again, that he would stay with her for good.

She wanted to hear him say he loved her, she wanted him to wrap her up in his jacket like he used to do when they first started dating.

But more than anything, she wanted to hear Grove call him "Papa", she wanted to see the way his face would light up at hearing that for the first time, she wanted them to be a real family.

She sure was greedy, wasn't she?

To want so much and not expect to have to give something in return.

Was this her price?

Or was this her punishment for her selfishness and greed?

Maybe, if she was good, she would get out of here and have what she wanted.

Gone Without YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora