Chapter 30

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It was so cold, every inch of her body felt cold.

The skin on her wrists had rubbed raw after hours of struggling, everytime she made even the slightest moved it stung.

The chair she sat on was not comfortable at all, it was like a chair you would see in a school, it made her back and shoulders hurt like hell.

The sweat that dripped from her was cold but she couldn't even tell if it was sweat or not since this place was so damp.

She had stopped crying and screaming for help hours ago, no one was going to hear her so she gave up.

She had no idea how long it had been since she had been taken from her home, she had been knocked unconscious for an unknown amount of time.

She needed to do her best to stay calm, she needed to make sure she didn't just give up completely, she had a son to get back to, one thing was certain...

She wasn't going out without a fight.

To pass the time, she counted the beams on the roof, trying to guess what they were made of and trying to imagine what kind of animals scurried along it.

She was counting the bolts in each beam when the door on the other side of the warehouse opened.

The green bastard who had taken her here smiled at her as he walked over.

"Glad to see that you aren't hysterical anymore," he chirped.

Leafy gave no response, keeping a hateful glare on her face.

"Oh come now, don't be like that, I have questions that I need answers to, your help would be greatly appreciated," he smiled.

Still, Leafy gave no reply.

Two sighed as they shook their head, tutting as though they were talking to a young child.

"Tell me, where is Firey Brennt?"

Leafy turned her head sharply, her nose turned upwards in a snobby fashion, she wasn't going to play along with this charade.

Two was not having any of it, with their signature smile on their face, they grabbed Leafy's jaw in one hand, squeezing tightly, his nails digging into her skin.

"Where is Firey Brennt?"

Leafy winced at the pain as the pressure increased, terrified that her jaw would break.

"I... don't know," she managed she utter.

Two realised their grip, lowering their hand back to their side as they raised an eyebrow, they still smiled.

"You don't know, huh?" he said as he shook is head in mock disappointment.

"I feel bad for you Leafy, I really do," the green haired man sighed.


"You mourned that bastard for years, remained loyal and even welcomed him into your arms when he returned unannounced, you were always much better than he deserved and yet... he simply left,"

Leafy stared at the insane person in front of her, her eyes full of horror as they continued.

"He claims to love you but... where is he now? Probably off somewhere drinking, with total disregard for you or your wellbeing, I mean, with all of his amazing investigation skills, he would be able to find you if he wanted to," they said, laughing slightly.

Leafy's eyes brimmed with tears as she felt her chest tighten, her breathing grew heavy as she attempted to control it, each breath was shakey and painful.

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