"Obviously, what's your point?" Snotlout asked not getting the message

"Even if it was true, which it is not, you can't just pick someone to replace you" Hiccup said

"Well, you guys threw out my original plan" Snotlout said

"To bury Hookfang alive beside you?" Astrid asked

"That's pretty messed up" Blake said

"He would gladly sacrifice himself for his beloved master, trust me" Snotlout said as he walked towards Hookfang who walked away and slapped him with his tail in the process

"Okay, let's just say for the argument's sake, you've seen the three of the Five Signposts to Valhalla, it doesn't mean anything" Hiccup said

"That's right, what's going to happen next? The Bird of Death is going to appear right in front of us?" Blake asked sarcastically but right on cue, a death chicken landed in front of them

"Oh no! it's the Bird of Death!" Snotlout yelled before grabbing Blake by the shoulders "Why did you have to call for it?!"

"I'm just as confused as you" Blake said

"It's not the Bird of Death, it's just a dead chicken" Hiccup said "It's not the same thing, right guys?"

"Sure it is. Definitely, Bird of Death" The twins said

"We're on clock, little man" Snotlout said as he looked at Gustav "We're starting your training immediately"

"Fine" Hiccup sighed "The rest of us have to keep an eye on Outcast Island. While we're gone just try to not take anyone else to eternal paradise"

"I make no promises" Snotlout said as the other teens flew away


Sometime later at Outcast Island, the teens landed at a sea stack near the island, Hiccup and Astrid pulled out a spyglass and looked into the island where they were able to see how something was being built

"I can't get a good look" Hiccup said

"Well, they're building something and I'm guessing it's not good" Astrid said

"Is there a place for where we can have a better look?" Hiccup asked looking at Blake who thought for a moment

"I think I know a place but even though Dagur doesn't know this island as much as I do, he might have put guards there, so we better be careful" he said

"Whatever they're building I say we blow it up" Ruffnut said

"I said that's the best idea I've heard all week" Tuffnut said agreeing with his sister, so they slammed their helmets against each other

"Tuff, we've been over this, we don't shoot first and ask questions later" Hiccup said

"Of course, we never as questions" Tuffnut said

"Just come with me" Blake groaned before flying off


Meanwhile at the academy, Snotlout was ready to start Gustav's training

"Okay, pay attention, Gustav" Snotlout said before gesturing at Hookfang "This is a Monstrous Nightmare, the most lethal dragon in the known world. Not just anyone can handle one of these bad boys"

"Whoa" Gustav said trying to touch Hookfang but Snotlout didn't allow him to

"I'm sorry, I don't recall saying you could touch him. Did I say that?" Snotlout asked

A new Boy in Berk: Defenders of BerkWhere stories live. Discover now