These fucking Italians can just easily piss the hell out of me without even trying. I grabbed my gun from its holster and aimed it at him, his eyes widening in fright at the sight. But I'm not going to shoot, at least not yet.

"My nephew is now the don of the Italian mafia; fucking refer to him as such." I began to say.

I have to give it to Luciano's men; they're all loyal to that fucker until their last breath.

"And what the fuck makes you think that I wouldn't want to kill you? Just hearing your Italian-accented voice is already making me want to pull the trigger." I taunted him while playing with the trigger and keeping a close eye on him.

"Because I have information you want. I know something you and the new don do not. There's just one thing I want in return." Arturo quickly said while still eyeing the gun that was pointing at him. He knew very well that I wouldn't hesitate to blow his brains out if he dared to say the wrong word, so he was being careful.

What he said did pique my interest, though, so I decided to hear him.

"What do you want, Arturo?"

"I want to be able to go back to Italy without the fear of the mafia and the Di Luca brothers hunting me down. I want you to promise me indefinite protection from your nephews before I tell you this information." He said, sounding confident and nervous at the same time.

Such hubris this man has.

I started to darkly chuckle as I glared at him.

"Well, the protection you seek from me depends on how valuable this piece of information you have. If I deem it to be anything less than that, I will personally deliver you to my nephews."

He still looked nervous, but he didn't look scared at all, as if he's really confident that the information he's talking about is valuable to me. He'd better make sure it is. His fucking life is on the line here.

"It is valuable, I promise you! I know that your niece, Isabella, has finally been found and that you and your nephews, even Giovanni himself, are trying to find Don Luciano's whereabouts or if he's still alive or not."

My jaw clenched in anger just hearing my brother-in-law's name mentioned. I take it that the underworld is also already aware of this information. Chances are, if Luciano is still alive, he's very aware of this as well. And I don't fucking know if it is a good or bad thing. But I seriously doubt it will be anything good, as that man literally left everything behind and disappeared without trace, meaning he doesn't want to be found. The question is why.

"So is Luciano still alive?"

"Yes. He came to see me two years ago in my apartment in America."


-Lorenzo Di Luca-

"Quindi quello era nostro zio Ivan." (So that was our uncle Ivan.) I hung up the phone, turning my head to look at Gio, who was already looking at me quizzically.

"Cosa voleva?" (What did he want?)

We just finished eating dinner, and we were both still sitting at the dining room table after I answered that call from our uncle. We opted to speak in Italian whenever we were talking about the mafia inside the house, especially if our sorellina was in the same vicinity as us. Right now, while Gio and I were conversing, the little principessa was getting something from the kitchen.

"Arturo Neri è vivo." (Arturo Neri is alive.) I hissed.

"E' ancora vivo? Ho pensato--- (He's still alive? I thought--)

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