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He took you.
It's been four days.
Four days by myself in this cold, dark room left wondering where you are and fearing the things he could be doing to you.
Shivers racked my body as all the possibilities came forward and filled my mind with screams. I continued to shake in fear, but also because the temperature was dropping by the minute.
James had gifted us with two furred blankets as winter approached.
It had been the beginning of fall when he had taken me. I wasn't sure how much time had passed. Five years? Six?
I didn't know anymore and keeping track only further served to crush my spirit. After three years I had given up and burned that part of torn leather away.
I shivered again.
My arm banged into the wall as I turned towards the heater.
I bit my lip to muffle the scream fighting to escape until I drew blood. James had stomped on my arm until it cracked before he left in punishment for fighting him when he came to take Sadie. I didn't like being alone with him, but I liked Sadie alone and defenseless with him even less.
Tears sprung to my eyes as I thought about all the cruel things he could be doing to her. I needed to see her. To hold her and make it all better.
But she was gone and I had no idea where he had taken her.
Where were they?
James hadn't visited since he took Sadie with him.
I thought maybe it was part of my punishment for refusing to have sex with him the night before, but it'd been too long and he was nowhere to be seen. Usually, he would taunt me from outside the door or tie me up and make me watch as he hurt Sadie.
But I hadn't heard a peep.
I was more terrified than ever before.
James was methodical. He had a routine and he'd never strayed from it before.
I didn't like change.
It meant I was unprepared for whatever was coming and maybe that was his plan. To distract me with what-ifs so he could hit me where I was least expecting.
I cuddled deeper into the furred blankets and attempted to sleep.
Hopefully, Sadie would be back by the time I awoke.
I had no idea what was coming.

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