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Welcome to Sadie's story! It will be a rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts from a girl who was hurt deeply to her core. There will be many triggering topics but it will all be redeemed by the happy ending I promise she will receive.

Now I do want to note that maybe some of the things she says and thinks might not be considered normal but you will come to learn that she was not raised in a normal environment so some of her thought process can be a little twisted. Also there will be the use of colors that Sadie can "see" when the people she interacts with feel any typed of emotion. It's not supernatural. Just a coping mechanism for her. When she is also stressed or overwhelmed and has a panic attack her vision may change into a "picture" in which people become symbols, colors, things, etc.

Sadie technically is 16 in the story but you may notice sometimes her thoughts are a little younger and more childlike. Again that is due to her trauma which will be explored further. It won't be anything crazy but in extreme moments it may become noticeable.

I also want to add real quick that sometimes Ma's journal will come to life and it will be read out through her perspective and sometimes it will be more like a journal entry that Sadie reads. It may be a little confusing because they won't be in order so I wanted to clarify.


He took you, defiled you, and broke you.

You said that I was your saving grace, that you wouldn't have survived without me. We lived, we fought, we lasted longer than he wanted.

And then he killed you. Ruthlessly and without mercy.

I've been abandoned.


Alone and afraid, they sent me to a home I never knew existed. You looked happy, free. Everything I was a stranger to seeing.

And then there's him. The man you chose. A man who looks at me warily and yet oh so hopeful.

If that wasn't enough, there's another. You didn't tell me about him. Why?  He's supposed to be yours too, but you threw him away.

I don't know who you are anymore. I don't understand this unfamiliar place or these people.

And all I have left is pieces of you.

Enjoy Sadie and her families story and let me know what you think!

Pieces of YouWhere stories live. Discover now