Chapter 13

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"What is it you're going to do now?" Loki questions when I sat back next to him, I look at him confused "You have to reveal yourself to Thor in mere minutes"

"Oh, umm... what would you do?" I ask looking at him.

"Make an entrance and probably stab him" he shrugs like it was the most obvious thing ever, making me purse my lips.

"Well, I'm not stabbing him so entrance it is" I nod standing up, Loki follows my lead, standing up and looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"What are you going to do? Jump of the cliff?" he scoffs.

"That would be an entrance, wouldn't it?" I peer over the edge to see the men were starting to walk towards the cliff, I start walking backwards "New place. New people. Loki's alive. Let's make an entrance and hope Thor isn't too mad" I whisper to myself. I start running towards the edge and front flip off ledge, I land putting a forcefield around myself to protect me from the fall, sticking one arm in front of myself, wobbly crouching on the ground. "Haven't done that in a while" I mumbled to myself flipping my hair and standing up properly. Metal man had his palm pointing at me, captain had his shield up threateningly and Thor was staring at me in shock "Hello" I greet them waving slightly.

"Luna? You're talking? How are you here?" Thor questions confused, making the others turn their heads quickly towards him.

"You know her?!" metal man asks, them both lowering their weapons.

"This is my sister" Thor introduces me.

"Another Asgardian" The captain mutters shaking his head.

"Nice to meet you too" I say catching the captains eyes, I turn to look behind me and see Loki had teleported down and was standing in the shadows.

"Well princess, I'm guessing" Metal man says getting my attention, I nod at him "And why are you here, can't your brother solve this problem. You look a little young to be a part of this thing" I smirk at him, and I can hear Loki chuckling.

"Thank you for the compliment, but if anything, I would say you're the young one here"

"How old are you then?" he asks.

"About 1,050" I answer not completely sure (around 19 in human age), I hear a sound and look up to see the quinjet Im guessing, flying over the top of us it then lands in the clearing. The back door opens, and a woman and man walk out, I turn around to face Loki when I hear him walking over to us to see his eyes had turned fully blue and he was smirking. I tilt my head in confusion watching him, metal man walks over to him and when Loki puts his hands out, he puts cuffs around his wrists and metal man forces a grinning Loki towards the jet. The two people walk back inside when metal man and Loki walk over to them, Thor follows, and the captain gestures me to walk with him over to the jet as well. We all got seated on the jet and I sat next to the captain.

When we take off the captain turns to me "So what's your name?" he asked.

"Luna Odindottir, yours?"

"Steve Rogers"

"My brother called you captain?"

"I'm also Captain America" he replied.

I frown at him "Captain America from Midgard was born in 1942. Are you really a mortal?"

He looks at me confused "How did you know that?"

"There is a song about Captain America that was made in 1942 during the second Midgardian war" I explained.

"How do you know the song?" he asks in shock and slight embarrassment.

"I know every song from every realm. Perks of being the Goddess of Music and Sound" he was about to answer when he saw Thor walking over to us.

The Goddess of Music and Sound (Ongoing)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin