Chapter 10

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We got into the metal machine that Son of Coul also known as Phil called a car. He told me about the Midgardian organization called shield that he works for, and what happened when Thor first came here. I told him about some of my powers and Asgard, we really got along, the older Midgardian also told me that his name is Eric. We pulled up at the Bifrost symbol and got out of the car. Thor was standing in the middle of the symbol calling out to Heimdall, I walked over and stood next to Jane. Thor looked at me confused by the fact the Bifrost wasn't opening, I look up into the sky and yell out to Heimdall louder than Thor would be able to and try to make sure he would be able to hear it, but nothing happens.

"He doesn't answer" Thor tells the other Asgardians walking over to them.

"Then we are stranded" Hogun realises.

"Heimdall if you can hear me, we need you now!" Thor shouts again "Heimdall" we see the Bifrost start opening, the warrior three, Sif and I run over to it, I look back at Thor who was facing Jane "I must go back to Asgard but I give you my word, I will return for you" he brings up her hand and kisses it "Deal?" Jane leans up and kisses him, so I quickly lower my eyes giving them privacy, but also I do not want to see my brother kissing someone.

"Deal" I hear her reply, Thor walks back over to us, and I smirk at him.

"Good job, brother" and we all get pulled into the Bifrost. Once we get back to Asgard I see Heimdall had fainted at the panel.

"Get him to the healing room" Thor orders pointing to Heimdal "Leave our brother to us" Thor puts his hand around my waist and starts flying quickly towards the palace. We sprint through the palace heading towards Father's chambers.

"It's said you can still see and hear what transpires around you, even in this state. I hope it's true, so that you may know your death came by the hand of Laufey" I hear Laufey say, I start running as fast as I could muttering under my breath about how annoyingly big the palace was, I hear a blasting sound and Laufey grunting in pain.

"And your death came by the son of Odin" I hear Loki, another blast and I breath out knowing that Father will be alright.

"Loki, you saved him" I hear Mother.

"I swear to you, mother, they will pay for what they've done today" We finally reach Fathers chambers and stand in the doorway seeing mother and Loki getting out of a hug.

"Loki" Thor gets their attention.

"Thor" Mother starts running over to him "I knew that you would return to us" she hugs him while Thor and I were glaring at Loki who was looking very concerned at me. Mother lets go of Thor and turns to me, grabbing my face in her hands "Oh my Odin. Dear why are you covered in blood?" she asks using a spell to clean me up, Thor walks down the steps towards Loki who was backing away.

"Why don't you tell her? How you sent the destroyer to kill our friends? To kill me? Maybe even trying to kill Luna?" Thor furiously asked Loki. They split up standing either side of Fathers bed. Mother looks up confused at Loki.

"What?" she mutters.

"It must have been enforcing Father's last command" Loki lies "But it wouldn't have attempted to kill Luna" he says which I know he is not lying because it barely tried to hit me.

"Then why is she covered in blood? I look over to Thor confused, he sees my confusion and explains "She wouldn't be if she didnt have to overuse her powers to what she's use to trying to keep everyone including herself safe" he finishes, Loki looks at me apologetically "You're a talented liar, brother. Always have been"

"It's good to have you back" Loki smiles at Thor "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to destroy Jotunheim" Loki raises Gungnir blasting at Thor making him smash through the wall and fall out I run towards the hole and look out. I look around and see that Loki had run out of the room.

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