Chapter 11

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It's been a few months since Loki died and at first it was hard but now, I'm just feeling numb. I spend my days laying on Loki's bed, wearing his clothes, watching my ring that was almost always glowing, I'm guessing now that Loki's gone his spell isn't working probably anymore. I haven't talked to anyone or played an instrument since he died, I hardly sleep anymore because my sleep is plagued with nightmares of Loki falling over and over again, I only eat the bare to keep me alive when Thor or Mother force me to after the maids gave up trying. They both try to get me to talk but I never do, they try to get me to leave his room but the most I will ever do is walk around it. Mother and Thor stay with me as much as they can every day and Father comes to check up on me every other day, but I just lay still not paying any attention to them. Nyx ended up having chicks, so she doesn't come that often anymore, not that I would even talk to her.

I hear the door open and in come footsteps that I've recognised to be Thor's, I lay silently watching the ring that has stopped glowing for the past few days. Thor slowly walks over in front of me, crouching down next to the bed and lifting my face to look at him with his hand. He smiles softly while I'm looking at him "Luna, Father has requested our presents in the throne room, and he would only want you there if it was really important" I blink slowly thinking about for the first time in almost a half a year I'll have to leave his room. I nod and he stands up, leaving me to get ready.

I use my magic to clean up myself, put on one of my dresses and brush my hair to make it straight. I get out of the bed, wobbling into Loki's bathroom and look in the mirror, I was quite pale, had unnaturally dark bags under my eyes and could tell I've lost a bit of weight, if I wasn't a goddess and Asgardian, I probably would look at lot worst. I summon the cape Loki gave me before we went to Jotunheim and pull up the hood.

I hesitantly open the door out of his room breathing heavily, I look out and spot Thor leaning against a wall tracing the rune on Mjolnir, I rush over to him pulling the cape tighter around myself, ignoring the guards and maids in the hall looking at me in slight shock. When he looks up at me next to him, he kissed my forehead to try and calm my nerves and took my arm in his. We walked fast down the halls, I was looking at the ground the entire time letting Thor lead me along, when we reached the throne room, I took an unsteady deep breath in as the guards opened the double doors. We walk towards the stairs, Thor kneels, and I curtsy, I look around the room the only people in here other than us were Father who was standing in front of his throne and Mother was standing next to him, looking like she had been crying.

"Rise" Father orders and Thor and I stand up properly "Luna it's nice to see you up and about" Father speaks softly, I nod slightly at him.

"What was it you needed to talk to us about, Father?" Thor questions.

"What do you know about the tesseract?" Father asks, Thor looks at me to see if I was going to answer but after a moment of silence he decides to answer.

"The tesseract is said to hold unlimited energy to possibly rebuild the Bifrost, it is like a doorway that can lead you wherever you wish. It is also said that it holds an infinity stone. What of it, Father?" thinking about it the tesseract is able to teleport anywhere and it was to have an infinity stone it would have to be the space stone.

"It has appeared that the Midgardians has been 'experimenting'on the tesseract something that they shall never understand the power and harmful possibilities that experimenting can bring and sadly has brought. For Midgard has been attacked by some beings from the 9 realms that found the tesseract that wish to take over and rule Midgard" Father explains.

"Who is it that wishes to take other, Father?" Thor asks, there's a moment before he responds.

"Loki and the Chitauri" I see a tear slip down Mother's cheek from the corner of my eye while I stare at him in confusion.

"Loki is dead" Thor says bluntly though I could hear the devastation in his voice "We watched him fall into the abys, watched him let go of Luna's hand. It is not possible"

"I do not know how it is he survived but he is bringing trouble to earth, and Thor I wish for you to stop him and bring him and the tesseract back to Asgard where it will go in the vault and Loki will serve Asgardian punishment for his crimes"

"What about Luna?" Thor questions looking at me.

"I merely wished for you to know of Loki being alive I do not think it is save for you to be going to Midgard" I nod my head knowing there was no point in arguing not that I could even be bothered to do that but if Loki is alive there is no way I'm just staying here.

"Of course. Where is Loki?" Thor asks wanting to get all the information.

"Loki is currently captive with a small group of powerful individuals on a flying machine called a quinjet heading to be locked up" I hate how those Midgardians wanted to lock up Loki, I miss our live before these throne issues started it was so much easier and we were all together.

"How is it I get to Midgard"

"I will be summoning magic like of the Bifrost to teleport you"

"I'll be leaving now I presume?"

"Good luck" Father wishes him and a few moments later black magic was surrounding him and then he disappeared. I look up to my parents whispering that I was sorry before summoning up my violin, putting on my amour under the cape and playing it forcing father to send me as well, I could see both there looks of shock and concentration trying to fight off my magic but it was useless, I was too powerful for them, I could see happiness? in my mother's eyes before I was surrounded by the black magic and teleported to Midgard.

I landed on a cliff during a lightning storm in the night that I assume is Thor's doing, I hid behind some rocks when I see something fly ahead then two figures fall from the back landing in front of the rocks on the ledge one on their back harshly and the other landed on their feet that I realised were Thor and a very alive Loki...

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