2 - Park Jimin

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Growing up, Park Jimin had a pretty quiet and average childhood. He always did his best in school and completed each year with good grades; had a solid group of close friends that he still keeps in touch with to this day; and had a strong relationship with his family. In essence, Jimin was the boy everyone's mother compared their sons to - quiet, polite, smart, and multi-talented as he dabbled in a few extracurriculars here and there and managed to excel in all of them.

Jimin has always had a big heart which was something his parents and grandmother always boasted about to their friends. And, as someone who was a stickler for rules and regulation, it came as no surprise when young Jimin declared he wanted to go into public service once he grew up. Throughout the years, he contemplated multiple lines of service including law, healthcare, and criminal justice. However, when his high school art project was selected as one of ten winners in the district to be displayed at the civic center, Jimin's entire outlook on his future career changed. While his friends and family were there to support him and his amazing accomplishment, and as they perused the quaint but impressive gallery, Jimin found himself focusing more on the officers in the building rather than the beautiful artworks in front of him as the police department was located in the west wing of the large building. At first, two officers who had been heatedly discussing a case passing by had caught the young boy's attention. As his family continued to walk around the center, Jimin caught a glimpse of the canine training taking place in the back fenced-in lot. At that moment, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to train the professional and fastidious canines. He was also fortunate enough, at least in his eyes, to catch a group of officers in action, running from the building into their patrol cars and speeding off to attend to an emergency case. While he had simply been standing on the sidewalk of the parking lot himself, he felt the rush of adrenaline coursing through his own veins as if he were a part of the squad that rushed out to someone's service. From that day forward, Jimin was rather set in stone regarding his future career and nothing could deter him otherwise.

After years of hard work, dedication, and late nights studying and training, the young man was finally able to make his dreams come true and joined his local law enforcement. Yet, even as he worked countless hours and as Jimin easily climbed the ranks, he felt as if something were missing. And as if the universe were eagerly pushing him in the right direction, he finally came to realization when a criminal high-speed chase zipped through his town one quiet night, causing significant damages, and continued through the next town over which was the bustling downtown of a large city. Through that particular case, Jimin and his colleagues worked hand-in-hand with the city's enforcement to not only catch the perpetrator but to ensure all proper penalties were met.

Though the case itself was brief and completed quickly in a timely manner, Jimin found himself falling in love with the fast-paced environment of the city's enforcement team with each visit to their local station house. Naturally, after weeks of self-reflection and a long heart-to-heart talk with his local Chief of Police, the two had agreed that Jimin would flourish in the fast-paced environment of the next city over, but that he was always welcome back to the local station whenever he wanted. So, by the end of the next month, Jimin found himself moving into a quaint apartment in the city and started his job at the new station the next day.

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Here's Jimin's background! I know it's rather brief, but I promise we'll get into the meat of the story with Tae's and Hobi's introductions. 

See y'all soon for Tae's background 💜

-Strawberheecake 🍓

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