31. The Interview

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The light coming in through Sophia's bedroom window had always seemed lacking – there was not much of it in the morning and in the afternoon it disappeared far too quickly due to the taller buildings around her own that blocked any sun rays before they could reach her. It was for that reason that Sophia had invested in pretty good lamps and a vanity that had lights all over it, like those she had seen backstage during some of her performances. Nicole had thought it had been a bit extensive when Sophia had first told her what she was planning on spending money on but she had not once regretted it.

She looked like a movie star about to appear at a premiere somewhere in the world, if only not as formally dressed as she should be. The black dress she had chosen to wear fit her like second skin, let her shoulders bare and exposed her collarbone although the neckline did not reveal anything else. It barely reached her knees and with her heels on, it was as if her legs stretched on and on – that was the whole reason she had bought this dress in the first place. It had been a while since she had had a reason to dress like this – she had even missed it, she contemplated as she applied her favourite red lipstick to complete her look at last. In this dress, she was the most confident she had ever been. She looked herself over one last time and then left her room. As per usual, Ashley and Nicole were already waiting for her in the living room, talking. Their eyes turned to Sophia the moment they heard the tell-tale sound of her heels against the floor. Nicole stood up at once as Ashley took a moment to take in Sophia's look.

"We are late," Nicole commented, even though there was no hint of worry or exasperation in her tone. If anything, by the tiny smile on her lips, Sophia would say she didn't mind it at all. The reminder was made just so that if anyone asked, she could claim she had told them so.

"Draco's with his friends, he can wait a while longer," Sophia shrugged as she walked over to where her coat was hanging to Ashley's laughter following her. It was March by now and yet the weather was still much too cold for her liking – she would be feeling in her element again as soon as June rolled around, she imagined.

The moment she had put her coat on and grabbed her bag they were out of the door. Ashley and Sophia made silly faces at each other over the mirror in the lift while Nicole, standing in the middle, turned around so that she would not have to watch them make fools out of themselves. Not that the insanity stopped there. When they got outside, Ashley and Sophia grabbed one of Nicole's arms each and started swinging back and forth wildly. Nicole felt as if they were drunk already. It wasn't long later that they passed by a stranger, his brows furrowed as he eyed their company strangely. Sophia and Ashley stopped swinging their arms as they passed by him – the moment they had walked away, Nicole started swinging her arms instead. They dissolved into giggles. By the time they reached the bar, they were a giggly mess. As soon as they left their coats and entered the space of the bar, Sophia could see Draco with his friends. Theo caught her gaze as they walked over. His lips stretched into a wide smile and he instantly nudged Draco. Sophia could tell the exact moment he noticed her.

Her lips curled into a smirk as his eyes widened slightly as he took her in, gaze moving over her figure until he raised it back to her eyes. This was part of the reason she had dressed up in the first place. She enjoyed herself immensely while getting ready but this was her motivation, to see his eyes widen and his lips part in silent awe as they did now. There would be no compliments on his part, she knew that already. She did not need them anyway – the way he couldn't take his eyes off of her was a reward on its own and more than a classic compliment could ever offer her. He stood up as they approached, and she could tell he didn't even know why he had done that in the first place. She sent him a knowing look as she stopped in front him, with the heels on standing a bit taller than him, and pressed a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips.

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