24. The Chosen One's Promise

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Ashley and Nicole knew there was something up with Sophia. In the last few weeks, her mood had been unsteady and she had disappeared into her room more often than they could count. Nicole had attempted to ask her about it a few days ago but she had brushed it off, assured her there was nothing she needed to worry about and that it was probably something she had imagined. Nicole did not just imagine things and neither did Ashley. They respected her decision though and left her alone. A couple of days later, when they tried to check up on her because she had not woken up in time to get to class, Sophia responded she felt sick and wouldn't be able to make it out of bed before Ashley had even opened the door. She refused any of their help, and so Nicole and Ashley backed off once more, gave her space. Sophia heard the front door open and then close a while later. Silence fell in the apartment but she still waited for a little while to ensure they had truly left and then she jumped out of the bed.

Draco had called her while she had still been on the road yesterday, returning from her class, to let her know he had talked to Harry Potter and he would be willing to help them put an end to those letters. He had asked for a time and a meeting point and Sophia had been quick to propose they used her apartment. Now, though, she was left with the task of ensuring everything was in order. She didn't have that much time.

She got dressed quickly to escape the chill and then she started tidying up her room as best as she could. The letter she had received this morning was left on the floor by the window, where the owl had dropped it, still unopened. She picked it up, put it with all other letters on a pile on top of her desk, sorted by the date she had received them. She glanced around her room to ensure everything was in order and then got out. She closed the door to Ashley's room, then to Nicole's and headed to the living room. She put wood into the fireplace to light up a fire so that the house would not be as cold and after that momentary pause, she dashed to the kitchen to clean up any dishes her roommates had left behind. The sight of a toast put in a plate in front of the seat she usually occupied made her pause. Her nervousness at having company subsided only to be replaced by guilt. She headed back to her room, grabbed her phone and sent Ashley a quick text even though she knew she was not going to see it until later.

Thanks for the toast!

Then she sank in her usual seat, placed her phone on the counter. She took a bite from her toast and instantly let out a sigh. She was keeping Nicole and Ashley in arm's length lately and she did not even mean to do it. Her new reality was much too exciting and there were always new things she could learn. Nicole had not believed her when she had asked her what she had been doing in her room all day and she had replied she had been reading a book Draco had let her borrow. Draco's world seemed so interesting and there were so many details but also major facts she did not know. She wanted to know everything. In the process, though, she now realized she had started putting distance between her and her roommates. She did not even remember the last time she had spent quality time with them. She needed to do better.

She took a small self imposed break until she finished eating her breakfast and then she got back to cleaning around the house. By the time there was a knock on her door, she was ready. She dashed over, took care to check who it was first and the moment she saw Draco, she opened the door.

"Hey," she greeted Draco softly before she turned to the man next to him with a tiny smile. "Good morning Mr Potter. Thank you for agreeing to help so quickly."

"I'm just doing my job," Harry assured her with a friendly smile of his own. Draco did not seem surprised as Sophia glanced at him once and then pulled back to allow them entrance.

"Please take your shoes off by the door. The house is clean, if you were worried."

They listened, as she had expected them to, and Draco gently closed the door behind them as Harry cleared his throat. "I was told you have been receiving letters."

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